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Once again, Nexium sales in the U.S. were down to the tune of 8%, in the 1st qtr sales in the U.S.. How can they say that this little experiment is a success when Nexium sales have been consistently dropping since the very first day they took it over?

AZ should make the price of Nexium be one penny cheaper than generic alternatives and do away with all reps and market share will increase. It is all about price in this market. No need for RSS or PSS.

Once again, Nexium sales in the U.S. were down to the tune of 8%, in the 1st qtr sales in the U.S.. How can they say that this little experiment is a success when Nexium sales have been consistently dropping since the very first day they took it over?

Everything you say is very true, but the upper mgt. types still stick to the BS that the CSA's have done a magnificent job with Nexium. The fact that they SAY it's successful, means that it IS successful. The facts, as you point out, don't mean a damn thing.

It is really strange how they keep on insisting that they are successful. But I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Oh well, it will all be over in a few months anyway.

Once again, Nexium sales in the U.S. were down to the tune of 8%, in the 1st qtr sales in the U.S.. How can they say that this little experiment is a success when Nexium sales have been consistently dropping since the very first day they took it over?

Because all of the selling data is vs. generics like omeprazole.Moot point because MC is making prescribers rx omep. first.The low hanging fruit is Dexilant where Nexium's data is superior but still the concentration is on generics.That is a losing battle!Dexi continues to grow and marketing continues to let it happen.Hello???

It is really strange how they keep on insisting that they are successful. But I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Oh well, it will all be over in a few months anyway.

When you think about it, it is odd how they keep preaching that the CSA's have been successful when Nexium sales just keep on dropping quarter after quarter. I think it's just part of their mentality that they can never admit to having made a mistake.

We incur increased cost by adding CSA's, when MCR 2 has one product and is capable of promoting nexium or for that matter any sales division. And we wonder why people are disengaged and unhappy with this organization. No loyalty to the sales force that has made this company very successful. In the end alot of good, honest hard working people will be laid off. Sign of the times

Nexium would have been in a decline no matter what. Generics, OTCs, lack of coverage, out of pocket cost -- need I say more? CSAs are very cheap and very disposable since they are a contract sales force. They do what is needed in this market, and what all of us do, sample & click away. They don't even have to order lunches! and they don't even have to eat with all of fat, lazy, rude cows. Yes, I belive they are successful and recognize it is the future of this business.

Nexium would have been in a decline no matter what. Generics, OTCs, lack of coverage, out of pocket cost -- need I say more? CSAs are very cheap and very disposable since they are a contract sales force. They do what is needed in this market, and what all of us do, sample & click away. They don't even have to order lunches! and they don't even have to eat with all of fat, lazy, rude cows. Yes, I belive they are successful and recognize it is the future of this business.

If you call promoting an established drug as being a successful rep, your missing the boat. Az reps established Nexium as the market leader. I believe initially CSA reps launched vimovo and they generated less than 100 scripts nationwide. Huge "success" when they actually have to go launch and sell a product.

Nexium would have been in a decline no matter what. Generics, OTCs, lack of coverage, out of pocket cost -- need I say more? CSAs are very cheap and very disposable since they are a contract sales force. They do what is needed in this market, and what all of us do, sample & click away. They don't even have to order lunches! and they don't even have to eat with all of fat, lazy, rude cows. Yes, I belive they are successful and recognize it is the future of this business.

Flawed logic. They are an unneeded layer. They only click. We can click as well with 0 promotion, other than a brief mention. AZ has once again made a bad decision, IF all their role is to be a Clicker. But, tell me what good decisions AZ has made these last few years.

Not flawed logic -- cheap logic. The CSAs are 35 a year. Please tell me how much the PSS make for doing more or less the same. Please sign ...click, click, click. I would think the layer that will be removed is the more pricey one.

Not flawed logic -- cheap logic. The CSAs are 35 a year. Please tell me how much the PSS make for doing more or less the same. Please sign ...click, click, click. I would think the layer that will be removed is the more pricey one

Yeah doc, generic lovastatin is better than crestor because it's cheaper. Don't worry about the long term cost of stroke or mi. They will be able to afford the 150,000 bill on that one. Your argument is that Az reps bring the same value as a CSA. How did that vimovo launch go for those CSA reps. (should go back and read some previous post on the value our CSA reps are bringing to AZ)

Not flawed logic -- cheap logic. The CSAs are 35 a year. Please tell me how much the PSS make for doing more or less the same. Please sign ...click, click, click. I would think the layer that will be removed is the more pricey one

Yeah doc, generic lovastatin is better than crestor because it's cheaper. Don't worry about the long term cost of stroke or mi. They will be able to afford the 150,000 bill on that one. Your argument is that Az reps bring the same value as a CSA. How did that vimovo launch go for those CSA reps. (should go back and read some previous post on the value our CSA reps are bringing to AZ)

keep drinking that az passion punch! lets see are you making a claim on head to head data there? whats the actual number needed to treat to get 1 more protected "guessing" by statistics? hmm... i'll take my chances at the casino.... i bet that one person it helps you hurt far more with the "infrequent" serious side effects you so often claim to remind your doctors too!

Flawed logic. They are an unneeded layer. They only click. We can click as well with 0 promotion, other than a brief mention. AZ has once again made a bad decision, IF all their role is to be a Clicker. But, tell me what good decisions AZ has made these last few years.

Certainly another bad decision in hiring you!

If you call promoting an established drug as being a successful rep, your missing the boat. Az reps established Nexium as the market leader. I believe initially CSA reps launched vimovo and they generated less than 100 scripts nationwide. Huge "success" when they actually have to go launch and sell a product.

Somebody is having a pity party... Since when did vimovo sales grow? Like any combination drug in a competitive OTC market with numerous competitors grow, vimovo was a pour excuse for az to salvage any profits they could gain from Nexium while it lasts. CSA's do almost exactly what any experienced "sales professional" could do in the market... Sooo hire 3 CSA's for the price of one overpaid pss and lose a few percentage points but gain twice the profit by reducing overhead... Invite more washed up lazy pss's to your pity party and wallow some more instead of accomplishing anything...

If you call promoting an established drug as being a successful rep, your missing the boat. Az reps established Nexium as the market leader. I believe initially CSA reps launched vimovo and they generated less than 100 scripts nationwide. Huge "success" when they actually have to go launch and sell a product.

you believe incorrect.

If you call promoting an established drug as being a successful rep, your missing the boat. Az reps established Nexium as the market leader. I believe initially CSA reps launched vimovo and they generated less than 100 scripts nationwide. Huge "success" when they actually have to go launch and sell a product.

Crappy drug = shitty sales #. It's easy to blame CSA but now that there are PSS for Vimovo I don't see any increase in sales.