Critical Care


I see Verathon is hiring all over for Critical Care reps. I was under the impression they had acute and private practice. What is this new position and is it a better paying job than the other two?

There are no longer 2 divisions (Private Practice and Acute). However, there are 2 types of Territory Managers: Patient Care (Imaging Solutions) sells the BladderScan; Critical Care (Surgical Solutions) sells the GlideScope. Both sell to all applicable call points within a protected territory.

STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!! I just left-many of my teamates are on their way out too. Mass exodus is right. Management is cutting commission across the board and finding any excuse not to pay. The products are old, they lie about new ones coming out and they don't give a $hi t about the reps that have made them money. Several top reps have left in the last weeks. It doesnt take a genius to figure out you won't make money here. I'v seen this happen at my last device job and now their talent is nothing more than a bunch of frat jerks that are okay making $75k and the company is struggling. That's what happens when you get lose talent. The list of open territories is growing by the day. Take your pick if you don't mind getting screwed. I'm out!

No mass exodus. A handful of reps who used to be part of the boys club now running for the hills.

Show me a roster from 2014 and show me a roster of today. I bet you $100 cash money that over 30% of roster from 2014 is no longer with the company. 30% leaving is a mass exodus.

What product has the company developed in the last 5 years? Do you think being stagnant in the competitive industry that is medical device bodes well for a company?

Within 18-24 months Roper will sell off or dissolve Verathon into a call center type sales approach. I have no animosity towards Verathon whatsoever and working there landed me a great job with a real company. I wouldn't recommend others from following my footsteps simply because PP no longer exists and reimbursements (lack of) for both the bladderscan and aortascam are 1/3 of what they were when I was working.

If you look at the CMS website you can track the recession of reimbursements over the years. Some regions where getting $150 per AAA screening and now its down to $25-$30. Good luck explaining that to docs.

Looking for some unbiased feedback, I probably came to the wrong place! Ha!

I'm a 14 year O.R. rep looking to get out of being tied to a surgery schedule. There is a CC position open that looks like a good job. Can I make a steady $180+ every year? A you allowed to purchase Roper stock at a discount? What's the competition? Are quotas reasonable/fair? Verathon seems like a place with good work/life balance, solid products. All companies have their good and bad, overall are they a good place to work?

Thanks in advance!