Creepy Big Pharma like CIA


Mandatory compliance ride alongs, strange "survey" phone calls asking questions that could devulge corporate secrets/policy or uncover unhappy employees. Idiot called me and said she was from ABC consulting firm and would I answer a few questions. My phone had my company's name in caller ID. I looked and said, "Are you working for (my company)?" She said, "No!" WTF? She pressed and pressed and pressed for company information. I told her to call them. Why ask me? Starting to feel like I'm on somebody's shit list even though I keep winning awards. Is this Random BS and are other big companies getting to feel more like the CIA? Thoughts? I think there are morons in charge with a bunch of lawyers covering their asses.


If I could provide them with useful information that KOLs like so they could creat a program for pharma to draw new thought leaders into the fold - LMAO. It was the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time. Then they wanted a calendar of all the key conferences. I nearly bit my tongue wondering what fuck up thought up these genuis questions. God, I was an ass. And, there flashing on my phone was my company's name. Unbelievable! Seriously, is this just getting silly? I devulged all of our top secret information right there and then caving to such deep and successful probing.