would someone let the government know how quickly you can get vents shipped. They are looking for a lot.
Plan is to flood the market with 560 and upgrade to 980 after coronavirus!
Seems like a waste with a 2 week ship time for 980
Our 1-3 week delivery time is unmatched by any ventilation company. Covid-19
Covidien-19 !!! The 980 to save NYC...
Like, their hair?80% dyeing when on vents in NY.
Covidien-19 !!! The 980 to save NYC...
Covidien-19 !!! The 980 to save NYC...
Covidien-19 !!! The 980 to save NYC...
Covidien-19 !!! The 980 to save NYC...
Looking for an exhalation filter. Can you help a brother out.
Hack! Put another HEPA filter in front. Then reuse the exhalation filters for the next patient. Unlikited uses until stock comes In!