COVID Vax Still Required to Get Hired?


I'm currently looking for a new role in Pharma and I'm shocked how many companies are still requiring you to be vaxed or don't bother applying.
Have we not moved beyond this? Aren't these companies supposed to be institutions of science? Have they seen the data? Do they realize we are making a turn towards those that are vaxed are at an increased risk of myocarditis and other issues? Covid has moved on and the vax isn't effective for this mutation.
Am I off on this? Should I not be able to apply if I missed my flu shot?

I'm currently looking for a new role in Pharma and I'm shocked how many companies are still requiring you to be vaxed or don't bother applying.
Have we not moved beyond this? Aren't these companies supposed to be institutions of science? Have they seen the data? Do they realize we are making a turn towards those that are vaxed are at an increased risk of myocarditis and other issues? Covid has moved on and the vax isn't effective for this mutation.
Am I off on this? Should I not be able to apply if I missed my flu shot?

"C0VID" never existed in the first place...A plandemic based on cold/flu symptoms, fraudulent tests, and deaths
by hospital protocol. It was all staged. It was all fake...

And then of course, the introduction of the clot shot...why anyone would ever trust out medical system again
after this hoax is beyond me.

Well, I am a rep for 20 yrs and believe vaccines do imfact help people. I have had 3 vx shots & have never had Covid despite travelling internationally after Covid and visiting multi states during Covid. Say what you will, I have had flu, Covid, Shingles & pheumo shots and haven't been sick over ten yrs except for the common cold. I will get a vax for that if offered!