Covid relief

Do the people scheduling these live meetings actually understand and respect science? It is very disrespectful to put people in this position. Why not use technology? You honestly don't think that the need for us to bond is stronger than our desire to protect our own family do you? Don't think for a second that just because you are vaccinated that you are safe.

Remember we are better together! Didn't you get to bond as a team. This place is full of crackpots that honestly could not work anywhere else. Talk about annoying and counterproductive and meeting in person is the worse.

Spot on. My team bonded in their disgust towards Lisa. This woman knows everything and will not let anyone finish a sentence. How is she in a leadership position?

Remember we are better together! Didn't you get to bond as a team. This place is full of crackpots that honestly could not work anywhere else. Talk about annoying and counterproductive and meeting in person is the worse.

Lost good people to this nonsense. Bottom feeders stayed and continue to generate nothing.

Sending a participation trophy email about the lowest volume region is laughable and it is a slap in the face of all the others dealing with the same issues. I bring in more than all the new york territories combined. Did not get a quota reduction did not get special attention grew my business and I am earning less in bonus. Time to warm up my resume.

If you don't want to keep losing high performers reward the people who generate revenue for the company.