Covid relief


Covid out of control in my region and we have not stopped working. Why are we not rewarded with a rocklamation or quote relief. Why special treatment in the northeast?

Sending a participation trophy email about the lowest volume region is laughable and it is a slap in the face of all the others dealing with the same issues. I bring in more than all the new york territories combined. Did not get a quota reduction did not get special attention grew my business and I am earning less in bonus. Time to warm up my resume.

If you don't want to keep losing high performers reward the people who generate revenue for the company.

Covid out of control in my region and we have not stopped working. Why are we not rewarded with a rocklamation or quote relief. Why special treatment in the northeast?

Sending a participation trophy email about the lowest volume region is laughable and it is a slap in the face of all the others dealing with the same issues. I bring in more than all the new york territories combined. Did not get a quota reduction did not get special attention grew my business and I am earning less in bonus. Time to warm up my resume.

If you don't want to keep losing high performers reward the people who generate revenue for the company.

here’s why....they are trying to get you to leave so they don’t pay severance when Otsuka buys Akebia and lays off a big ass chunk if there are any left. Shocked the holidays did not produce a layoff. It’s coming

I sell more in a month than those territories in a quarter. Absolute BS their quotas were adjusted while the rest take it in the ass.

Sending a participation trophy email about the lowest volume region is laughable and it is a slap in the face of all the others dealing with the same issues. I bring in more than all the new york territories combined. Did not get a quota reduction did not get special attention grew my business and I am earning less in bonus. Time to warm up my resume.

If you don't want to keep losing high performers reward the people who generate revenue for the company.

The vaccine isn’t fool proof. Studies haven’t come out yet about whether you can or cannot spread COVID-19 after getting the vaccine.

There’s still a possibility of contracting it and spreading to non vaccinated family members. This is a legitimate concern especially when you live with family members with compromised immune systems or little ones.

How are you going to get it and bring home if your protected with the vax? Dumb

The vaccine isn’t fool proof. Studies haven’t come out yet about whether you can or cannot spread COVID-19 after getting the vaccine.

There’s still a possibility of contracting it and spreading to non vaccinated family members. This is a legitimate concern especially when you live with family members with compromised immune systems or little ones.

Which makes one wonder, why am I getting this? Why am I enrolling myself into a clinical trial without long term safety data? Why am I the Guinea pig? Why is everyone forcing me to get with no proof if works or not? People keep testing positive who've been vaccinated. Is the virus airborne since masks dont work?

Maybe you would be better off staying home and for sure away from your compromised.