COVID Isn't Over So Stop The Pressure!!!

Sounds more like a home office person who hasn't been out of their house in a year and a half. But hey you have gotten great at counting metrics. When is Todd going to ask that all calls have a sample signature? Companies new tag line should be "Metric Inspired" instead of "Patient Inspired".

I didn't care if the launch meeting was away or virtual but now I want it to be virtual since they are not going to let us take vacation time until the end of January 2022!

Let me have the nights with my family since the company is preventing me from spending more time with them using my earned vacation!!!

Oh do calm down….things will take care of themselves as death increases and rates increase for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Just a matter of time. Just be careful and be on guard…do not bring this up to your manager as you will be looked down upon. They want you out in the field….it’s pathetic.

Anyone else feeling pressure to book love speaker programs and attend functions inside indoor restaurants? And, I'm really uncomfortable about the upcoming launch meetings possibly being live. Please give people the choice of attending the launch virtually or live like it was first spoken about! I'm grateful for my job but I am also grateful for keeping myself and my loved ones safe by being extremely cautious/ The delta, delta plus, and lambda strains are serious and we can see it in LA and other places around the world. The mutant strains are even dangerous for full vaccinated individuals and I wouldn't be surprised if lockdown measures happen again across the country.

You have to be a DEMOCRAT

Anyone else feeling pressure to book love speaker programs and attend functions inside indoor restaurants? And, I'm really uncomfortable about the upcoming launch meetings possibly being live. Please give people the choice of attending the launch virtually or live like it was first spoken about! I'm grateful for my job but I am also grateful for keeping myself and my loved ones safe by being extremely cautious/ The delta, delta plus, and lambda strains are serious and we can see it in LA and other places around the world. The mutant strains are even dangerous for full vaccinated individuals and I wouldn't be surprised if lockdown measures happen again across the country.

what a candy ass you are.

The Chinyse unleashed a terrible plague on the world that we must all live with. For a huge majority, freedom is worth not living in masks in your basement for eternity. If your choice is otherwise, than do it , just don’t think you can make me!

The Chinyse unleashed a terrible plague on the world that we must all live with. For a huge majority, freedom is worth not living in masks in your basement for eternity. If your choice is otherwise, than do it , just don’t think you can make me!

Masks are not that bad and they sure helped bring down the flu levels this past flu season to almost nothing!

How about more people get vaccinated so herd immunity can become more of a possibility?

Employees are getting Delta regardless of vaccination. call points happen to be in the most vulnerable of places with the highest potential of contamination. Just waiting for the company to do the right thing . how many more employees need to get sick? Better to have them be virtual then not have them at all.

Employees are getting Delta regardless of vaccination. call points happen to be in the most vulnerable of places with the highest potential of contamination. Just waiting for the company to do the right thing . how many more employees need to get sick? Better to have them be virtual then not have them at all.

Please tell us some more! I agree that hospitals are the worst places to be right now and things are only going to continue to get worse!

There are Alkermes reps that have yet to be vaccinated for whatever reason and those people should not be allowed to attend any company functions or launch meetings! Hell--most healthcare providers don't want unvaccinated people around! Get vaccinated if you are not immunocompromised!

There are Alkermes reps that have yet to be vaccinated for whatever reason and those people should not be allowed to attend any company functions or launch meetings! Hell--most healthcare providers don't want unvaccinated people around! Get vaccinated if you are not immunocompromised!

My partner is not vaccinated and it makes me cringe every single time this selfish person takes off the mask in an indoor setting to eat. My mask will continue to stay on but it's not right that the partner continues to refuse to get vaccinated without a valid reason. And, I should not be forced to work with the partner.