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Covid cases rising and yet we are still in the field


Why are we still in field right now? The company that MAKES the vaccine pulled their reps out. Hearing NOTHING from senior management. Breakthrough cases are rising rapidly. Wonder what kind of settlement my family would get if I catch the delta variant and die…


Hopefully you have gotten vaccinated and if you did get Delta it would be highly unlikely that you would be hospitalized or die. 95% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. That said, it would be nice not to get sick at all or bring the virus home to the kids. I think very few businesses of any kind are going to close down this time unless it is an absolute emergency.

stop crying and get to work. Or do 7 S2S calls a day.
I am working, and I am vaccinated. I can't get HCPs to do S2S calls without providing a meal, and my rep call is limited. Cases are higher now than when we were pulled out of the field. The primary care offices that I have been to are completely overwhelmed. Even vaccinated, I could be carrying the virus into these offices and infecting more people. I realize there is no good solution here, but It would be nice to hear from the CBDs and the RBDs that they at least recognize there is an issue and that their reps in the field are taking risks by going into these offices.

I am working, and I am vaccinated. I can't get HCPs to do S2S calls without providing a meal, and my rep call is limited. Cases are higher now than when we were pulled out of the field. The primary care offices that I have been to are completely overwhelmed. Even vaccinated, I could be carrying the virus into these offices and infecting more people. I realize there is no good solution here, but It would be nice to hear from the CBDs and the RBDs that they at least recognize there is an issue and that their reps in the field are taking risks by going into these offices.

So find another job. The rest of us want to work

I want to work, too, but I want to work safely while reducing risk to the people we are trying to serve. I love working at BI, but I am concerned about my health, my family’s health, and the health of my community.
so go under the covers and wear 3 masks, you have been emotionally manipulated. CLICK turn off your brainwashing television.

No one is forcing you to work here. You can always leave so stop whining. You just want to stay at home and get paid too. There are plenty of other people who would gladly take your job. So go already

No one is forcing you to work here. You can always leave so stop whining. You just want to stay at home and get paid too. There are plenty of other people who would gladly take your job. So go already

I am working…in the field…every single day. And it’s getting worse and worse every single day. I can’t quit my job…I have a family to support. Sorry you think that expressing concern is whining. Best of luck to all at BI and on Cafe Pharma…try to safe!

Hopefully you have gotten vaccinated and if you did get Delta it would be highly unlikely that you would be hospitalized or die. 95% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. That said, it would be nice not to get sick at all or bring the virus home to the kids. I think very few businesses of any kind are going to close down this time unless it is an absolute emergency.

better chance catching a case of the claps a POA meeting than Covid in the field.

I am working…in the field…every single day. And it’s getting worse and worse every single day. I can’t quit my job…I have a family to support. Sorry you think that expressing concern is whining. Best of luck to all at BI and on Cafe Pharma…try to safe!

If you have a family to support, go work at a company that you consider “safe.” You can’t expect BI to pay you to sit at home anymore.

Being in the field / golf course all the same. My game has never been better
Drs engage at the clubhouse if they miss happy hour we connect virtually
Chill out with the the drama Learn how to really work your territory. My counterpart’s testing to be a tennis pro - #1 market share in the nation