Covid and Field Reps

Are offices notified as part of tracing efforts?

Yes. I got covid and my dm told me I had to call the she department at hq to report it. They contact traced backward 14 days and notified every office I was in during that time that there had been an " exposure. "

then you have to test negative before going back into the field or submit a doctors note that you're not contagious.

Finance here and we are tired of the sales reps whining! Trust me that the future of pharma reps is bleak! Paying reps to sit home or making a luncheon cannot be supported . If they are limited in access they do not need a company car benefit. Sales reps need to find a new career. Sorry but that is the truth. Wake up reps!
You wouldn’t even have a fucking job if it wasn’t for me telling docs about our products you dumb fuck. Sorry but that’s the truth!! lol I am from finance. SO!

You wouldn’t even have a fucking job if it wasn’t for me telling docs about our products you dumb fuck. Sorry but that’s the truth!! lol I am from finance. SO!

Perhaps 15 years ago or so this comment had some merit. Not in 2020 not by a long shot. Access to doctors is way down. Most hospital limit or deny rep visits. If you do get access in front of a provider you get maybe ten seconds with a "message." Oh and for that ten second "message" you have to feed an entire heard of cows. Your influence on prescribing is very minor. Managed care formulary status influences prescribing way more than sales people. I'm also in sales and hope this gig lasts forever. The highest paying job (outside of political office) for very little work. Come on admit think you have that much influence on are delusional or have been with the company for about a week or so.

Perhaps 15 years ago or so this comment had some merit. Not in 2020 not by a long shot. Access to doctors is way down. Most hospital limit or deny rep visits. If you do get access in front of a provider you get maybe ten seconds with a "message." Oh and for that ten second "message" you have to feed an entire heard of cows. Your influence on prescribing is very minor. Managed care formulary status influences prescribing way more than sales people. I'm also in sales and hope this gig lasts forever. The highest paying job (outside of political office) for very little work. Come on admit think you have that much influence on are delusional or have been with the company for about a week or so.
I have been with AZ for over 12 years, endured some downsizing and even a promotion into oncology. I have tremendous relationships with my accounts, SO what’s the problem with YOU........ Just get off your fat ass and work for your money, if you cant hack it leave, there is always someone who can replace you in a minute.

Perhaps 15 years ago or so this comment had some merit. Not in 2020 not by a long shot. Access to doctors is way down. Most hospital limit or deny rep visits. If you do get access in front of a provider you get maybe ten seconds with a "message." Oh and for that ten second "message" you have to feed an entire heard of cows. Your influence on prescribing is very minor. Managed care formulary status influences prescribing way more than sales people. I'm also in sales and hope this gig lasts forever. The highest paying job (outside of political office) for very little work. Come on admit think you have that much influence on are delusional or have been with the company for about a week or so.
The Truth! Thanks for articulating today's pharma reality.

Perhaps 15 years ago or so this comment had some merit. Not in 2020 not by a long shot. Access to doctors is way down. Most hospital limit or deny rep visits. If you do get access in front of a provider you get maybe ten seconds with a "message." Oh and for that ten second "message" you have to feed an entire heard of cows. Your influence on prescribing is very minor. Managed care formulary status influences prescribing way more than sales people. I'm also in sales and hope this gig lasts forever. The highest paying job (outside of political office) for very little work. Come on admit think you have that much influence on are delusional or have been with the company for about a week or so.
You obviously never been in the field. The only reason my doctors Rx my product is because I have a personal relationship with them. I can promise math boy that if I didn’t go into my office my product would be 3rd or 4th choice. Which in return makes AS make less money making you unneeded to count beans. Fucking nerd!

You obviously never been in the field. The only reason my doctors Rx my product is because I have a personal relationship with them. I can promise math boy that if I didn’t go into my office my product would be 3rd or 4th choice. Which in return makes AS make less money making you unneeded to count beans. Fucking nerd!


I have been with AZ for over 12 years, endured some downsizing and even a promotion into oncology. I have tremendous relationships with my accounts, SO what’s the problem with YOU........ Just get off your fat ass and work for your money, if you cant hack it leave, there is always someone who can replace you in a minute.

Ok....I will take your word for it and make the assumption you are the best rep ever to carry an AZ bag. Even you must admit the vast majority of reps at AZ and in the industry have little influence over prescribing for the reasons the poster said. Granted you are the exception to the rule I give you that. However the fact is the model is broken reps have little influence and once one company changes the model the rest will follow. Once the model changes there will be less reps. You, of course, the best pharma rep that ever lived will be an exception to the rule and will work under the old frequency/reach model.

I have been with AZ for over 12 years, endured some downsizing and even a promotion into oncology. I have tremendous relationships with my accounts, SO what’s the problem with YOU........ Just get off your fat ass and work for your money, if you cant hack it leave, there is always someone who can replace you in a minute.

I'm sure you have tremendous relationships with your accounts. I'm sure everyone you contact with loves you. How many other AZ and industry reps can say the same thing. I will assume you are a wonderful rep and influence business. How many others in the company do the same? Not very many. When you say if I leave I can be replaced in a minute. That says it all...the job is so mindless anyone can do it. Memorize a message and cater a lunch and grab a signature.

You obviously never been in the field. The only reason my doctors Rx my product is because I have a personal relationship with them. I can promise math boy that if I didn’t go into my office my product would be 3rd or 4th choice. Which in return makes AS make less money making you unneeded to count beans. Fucking nerd!

This has to sarcasm right????? This person says the ONLY reason doctors RX their product is because of their personal relationship? Has to be sarcasm. NOBODY can be that stupid to believe that is the ONLY reason. Oh and yes I've been in the field for a very long time and understand why a doctor would prescribe a drug. If this was 1970 and there were ten companies making the same antibiotic perhaps your argument would have merit. In todays environment where drugs are quite sophisticated your statement is downright what you wrote is sarcasm right?

Ok....I will take your word for it and make the assumption you are the best rep ever to carry an AZ bag. Even you must admit the vast majority of reps at AZ and in the industry have little influence over prescribing for the reasons the poster said. Granted you are the exception to the rule I give you that. However the fact is the model is broken reps have little influence and once one company changes the model the rest will follow. Once the model changes there will be less reps. You, of course, the best pharma rep that ever lived will be an exception to the rule and will work under the old frequency/reach model.
How many times have we been debating this issue, and what has taken place, NOTHING!!!! Just like Covid this will pass till the next pandemic or situation. Their is a reason big pharma doesn’t change the model, and NO one can figure it out. So keep on debating, speculating, and bull-shitting like you all know the reason. You have to admit that AZ has taken care of us, giving each of us two days to use for vacation, some will complain, but I will be very appreciative and work my ass off for them. Will YOU?
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AstraZeneca has a chance to really shine here and they are not taking advantage.

Do right thing and keep the reps out of the field for a few months, I love that myself and my team want to be out, but this isn’t the right thing to do. The company has plenty of money to support employees without layoffs and get through this.

Let the people who can do virtual do it. Otherwise do the right thing, big pharma does not have many opportunities to really shine and has been looked at in a negative light for so long.

How many times have we been debating this issue, and what has taken place, NOTHING!!!! Just like Covid this will pass till the next pandemic or situation. Their is a reason big pharma doesn’t change the model, and NO one can figure it out. So keep on debating, speculating, and bull-shitting like you all know the reason. You have to admit that AZ has taken care of us, giving each of us two days to use for vacation, some will complain, but I will be very appreciative and work my ass off for them. Will YOU?

Hate to be the guy that says "I told you so." However I told you so. Everyone who has an oz. of brains saw this coming.

I have been with AZ for over 12 years, endured some downsizing and even a promotion into oncology. I have tremendous relationships with my accounts, SO what’s the problem with YOU........ Just get off your fat ass and work for your money, if you cant hack it leave, there is always someone who can replace you in a minute.

Problem is offices do not want reps in at the moment due to covid. Listen to the customer.

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