Covid and Field Reps


Very soon, you wont have to worry. Seeing states shut down already. Technically we are considered "essential"....LOL. Tell that to the hospital systems.

The reason why AZ (& others) have been pushing virtual is because they all know what is coming. If you can't or won't have virtual's on the boos, you will probably be let go. I work with several old timers that aren't embracing these methods of access. I really don't know how they will survive.

What happens when a field rep gets covid?

WHAT??!!! I will tell you what to do you damn snowflake! Get your lazy ass out in the field and work! WORK! Wear your mask and don’t tell anyone! We are paying you lazy little shits good money for hardly any work, and we are getting sick and tired of it!

WHAT??!!! I will tell you what to do you damn snowflake! Get your lazy ass out in the field and work! WORK! Wear your mask and don’t tell anyone! We are paying you lazy little shits good money for hardly any work, and we are getting sick and tired of it!
AMEN! Manufacturing Goes To Work 24 - 7!! WE can't sit at home and pretend to WORK!! Oh by the way, we don't get company cars to use for personal activities!!

AMEN! Manufacturing Goes To Work 24 - 7!! WE can't sit at home and pretend to WORK!! Oh by the way, we don't get company cars to use for personal activities!!
Finance here and we are tired of the sales reps whining! Trust me that the future of pharma reps is bleak! Paying reps to sit home or making a luncheon cannot be supported . If they are limited in access they do not need a company car benefit. Sales reps need to find a new career. Sorry but that is the truth. Wake up reps!

Finance here and we are tired of the sales reps whining! Trust me that the future of pharma reps is bleak! Paying reps to sit home or making a luncheon cannot be supported . If they are limited in access they do not need a company car benefit. Sales reps need to find a new career. Sorry but that is the truth. Wake up reps!
Sales here, let me tell you something finance; if it weren’t for the sales teams this company wouldn’t see sales increase, stocks soaring, growth reaching double digits and a very bright future!! So crawl back into your hole, stop bitching and stop getting your panties in a bind.....

Very soon, you wont have to worry. Seeing states shut down already. Technically we are considered "essential"....LOL. Tell that to the hospital systems.

The reason why AZ (& others) have been pushing virtual is because they all know what is coming. If you can't or won't have virtual's on the boos, you will probably be let go. I work with several old timers that aren't embracing these methods of access. I really don't know how they will survive.
What dark space have you crawled out of dumb ass. NO states are shutting down, oh a few restrictions like restaurants and bars, but listen here, a national shutdown ain’t going to happen, its economic and political suicide for any party to do this again. All the expects are predicting that the economy will begin to rebound by the end of Q-1, housing market is unprecedented, stock market is almost back to 29K, interest rates are at an all time low, most corporate companies are posting record breaking profits, and the banking industry is stockpiling truck loads of money!!!!

Sales here, let me tell you something finance; if it weren’t for the sales teams this company wouldn’t see sales increase, stocks soaring, growth reaching double digits and a very bright future!! So crawl back into your hole, stop bitching and stop getting your panties in a bind.....
We will not back down on our future prediction of pharma reps! Financially, it does NOT make any business sense to pay sales reps that only see one or two customers per day! Current surveys indicated HCPs do not value reps and most of the business is driven by a contractual formulary. Recommend that you go back to school to learn an employable skill set. Truth is often times difficult to accept.

We will not back down on our future prediction of pharma reps! Financially, it does NOT make any business sense to pay sales reps that only see one or two customers per day! Current surveys indicated HCPs do not value reps and most of the business is driven by a contractual formulary. Recommend that you go back to school to learn an employable skill set. Truth is often times difficult to accept.
Just like all of the so called experts that got it WRONG, a vaccine did get approved and showed 95% efficacy, that your so called model is antiquated and inaccurate!!!! Shared voice, market share, and face to face interaction is what drives sales. Most accounts want and need to see reps, because of the complexity and sophistication of new therapies that save lives. Coming from and still living in the 60’s is old school like your current hair style and wardrobe, go to a reputable salon, get a fashion consultant and trade in that old PC and experience the 21 century....

WHAT??!!! I will tell you what to do you damn snowflake! Get your lazy ass out in the field and work! WORK! Wear your mask and don’t tell anyone! We are paying you lazy little shits good money for hardly any work, and we are getting sick and tired of it!

To bad!!! I'm staying home until I get vaccinated. Now go back to your cubicle!!!

What dark space have you crawled out of dumb ass. NO states are shutting down, oh a few restrictions like restaurants and bars, but listen here, a national shutdown ain’t going to happen, its economic and political suicide for any party to do this again. All the expects are predicting that the economy will begin to rebound by the end of Q-1, housing market is unprecedented, stock market is almost back to 29K, interest rates are at an all time low, most corporate companies are posting record breaking profits, and the banking industry is stockpiling truck loads of money!!!!

LOL. If this is true, your boy would have won the election instead of going scorched earth on throwing out the votes of every major black city he lost. 60% of people won’t take the vaccine. And, a certain race and demographic is hollaring “Muh freedom” about not wearing masks. While he plays golf until he leaves officially. This epidemic is out of control and will lead to Mass Layoffs in every industry. You haven’t seen anything yet. But shite is about to hit the fan economically.

LOL. If this is true, your boy would have won the election instead of going scorched earth on throwing out the votes of every major black city he lost. 60% of people won’t take the vaccine. And, a certain race and demographic is hollaring “Muh freedom” about not wearing masks. While he plays golf until he leaves officially. This epidemic is out of control and will lead to Mass Layoffs in every industry. You haven’t seen anything yet. But shite is about to hit the fan economically.
LOL you must of been the top of your class, numb-nuts. The Dow is close to 29K, housing market booming, major corporations are making huge profits, interest rates at record low, hummmmm sounds like a major economic disaster to me.... OHHHHHHH 4 vaccines will be approved by years end, and I predict a majority of the world WILL get vaccinated. I do ask a favor for you, don’t get the vaccination, and do US all a favor and get the rona so your worthless, pessimistic ass is null and voided. It’s ass-wipes like you who spew hatred, corruption, negativity and doom. I really feel sorry for your kids, if you were able to have any to have a dick-head father like you, were you abused as a kid, do us all a favor pal, get infected......

Sales here, let me tell you something finance; if it weren’t for the sales teams this company wouldn’t see sales increase, stocks soaring, growth reaching double digits and a very bright future!! So crawl back into your hole, stop bitching and stop getting your panties in a bind.....

Coming from sales....You aren't wrong but we can accomplish the same with a lot less. A lot less.

What dark space have you crawled out of dumb ass. NO states are shutting down, oh a few restrictions like restaurants and bars, but listen here, a national shutdown ain’t going to happen, its economic and political suicide for any party to do this again. All the expects are predicting that the economy will begin to rebound by the end of Q-1, housing market is unprecedented, stock market is almost back to 29K, interest rates are at an all time low, most corporate companies are posting record breaking profits, and the banking industry is stockpiling truck loads of money!!!!

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (Original) - YouTube

We will not back down on our future prediction of pharma reps! Financially, it does NOT make any business sense to pay sales reps that only see one or two customers per day! Current surveys indicated HCPs do not value reps and most of the business is driven by a contractual formulary. Recommend that you go back to school to learn an employable skill set. Truth is often times difficult to accept.

Sadly, you are correct. We have nothing but the system to blame. Marketing thinks reps are idiots and use a methodology from the early 90's of "just say what we tell you". Yet, very few ever carried a bag and/or come from a background other than marketing, regardless of what they marketed.

I'm just riding this wave until it breaks.

Sadly, you are correct. We have nothing but the system to blame. Marketing thinks reps are idiots and use a methodology from the early 90's of "just say what we tell you". Yet, very few ever carried a bag and/or come from a background other than marketing, regardless of what they marketed.

I'm just riding this wave until it breaks.
Isn’t this ride been going on for years? We hear this every year, big pharma has an agenda, now here in oncology we are lean and mean, pipeline to deliver a multitude of indications and compared to Merck, BMS, Novartis, and others we don’t run into each other. The metric that they use now is share voice, they have been trying to hire more but thank god, those in the corporate office have discouraged this, I rather be here than at the others mentioned, oh by the way, their is talk of expansion once more indications come.

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