Coup d'Etat

Man, didn't know aboot how deep we reached the great white north. Better start to dumb it down, .......I mean break the language barrier. So one of our companies down here got stuck with one of your hockey pucks. We make a lot of fun of him cause he has a perm and a mullet. But the truth is we wish you'd take him back because he's really a looser.

Rich = Peter Principle.

You people are a joke. Managers and Marketing dont make sales.... Sales People do. You know why all you sales cry babies are stuck at Linvawreck? Its called a mirror. Oh by the way you just lost another shaver account waiting for a brochure. LOL

You people are a joke. Managers and Marketing dont make sales.... Sales People do. You know why all you sales cry babies are stuck at Linvawreck? Its called a mirror. Oh by the way you just lost another shaver account waiting for a brochure. LOL

Now that is funny.... Linvatec must have gone with a paperless system.....

You people are a joke. Managers and Marketing dont make sales.... Sales People do. You know why all you sales cry babies are stuck at Linvawreck? Its called a mirror. Oh by the way you just lost another shaver account waiting for a brochure. LOL

Brochures! Those things cost us money. I used to work in Largo and needed to see what was claimed in a brochure and damn, if it didn't take a high level signature on a requisition and probably $200 worth of man-hours just to get my hands on one of those damn things. When I asked why it took "an act of congress to get a brochure", I was told that they were really expensive and we can't just go handing them out to anyone! Damn, isn't that the purpose of a brochure? Getting your product info out to customers!

Brochures! Those things cost us money. I used to work in Largo and needed to see what was claimed in a brochure and damn, if it didn't take a high level signature on a requisition and probably $200 worth of man-hours just to get my hands on one of those damn things. When I asked why it took "an act of congress to get a brochure", I was told that they were really expensive and we can't just go handing them out to anyone! Damn, isn't that the purpose of a brochure? Getting your product info out to customers!

We've had pretty much the same products for years. We don't need no stinkin brochures.