Count on at least another 1.5 years

Unless you were sharp enough to get a employment contract pack your bags your done. By the content on this board, it seems most reps that were made offers were vapid and worthless and just concerned about a car. If you cant close hard for your own benefit while selling yourself, and leverage security with a contract, how hard would you have sold in the field. Move on, I think enterprise rent a car has Jr. manager positions available

Unless you were sharp enough to get a employment contract pack your bags your done. By the content on this board, it seems most reps that were made offers were vapid and worthless and just concerned about a car. If you cant close hard for your own benefit while selling yourself, and leverage security with a contract, how hard would you have sold in the field. Move on, I think enterprise rent a car has Jr. manager positions available

Its not fair!!! I was ready to come on board, I heard the company car choice were going to be great!