
Dang! This place is getting worse and worse! If Scott wants to save his company, he needs to clean house and put all blame on Rob, using him as a scape goat.

Bad things coming his way if he doesn't. I don't know how he can change healthcare with tools like this running the show.

Your right, if Scott wants to turn this place around, he needs to at least fire Rob.

My manager would go off on long tangents too. KG would have freaking long conference calls and one on one calls right in the middle of the morning. Not to mention the several random calls he would make while I was trying to work. In all of his calls he would go off in these long analogies that he repeated from Rob. He was like a parrot repeating all of Robs karate stories.

I couldn't handle the micro-management any longer, it was horrible. I have never been a part of a place that held you so accountable, yet, they were so terrible at training and giving support.

I understand that a lot of people have been caused significant pain because of the situation at Castle Medical but the personal attacks are over the line.

Your out of line!

It is personal when they attract you from a good paying job with great benefits, just for it all to be a lie. They need to know that families are hurt when they hire someone away from another company, then burn through them in a couple months. It is not right and very personal!

They hurt careers and hurt families! Doesn't get more personal than that!

I understand that a lot of people have been caused significant pain because of the situation at Castle Medical but the personal attacks are over the line.

Listen to me sparky. When you are called a liar and yelled at for over an hour while getting fired it is personal. Then when you prove the lie to Rob, in he says he doesn't care and then spits out the wrong info the the DVP did it is personal. I was held up from doing my job by long meaningless calls with a little man who constantly felt his need to tell me I was wrong and he was right and better than me it is personal. I have 20 plus years in the health care industry. In sales and the provider side. So my knowledge of the industry is something that neither of these two bafoons can comprehend. But theirs is the only way. Because Rob landed one big account. Who cares? So yea it is personal. And what you are reading is real. So pay attention, it is personal.

I understand that a lot of people have been caused significant pain because of the situation at Castle Medical but the personal attacks are over the line.

This is not some unforeseen situation. This is the result, of a strategy that these unethical, unprofessional, morons have decided to go by. They know it is a fast way to grow and they don't care about anyone else. What they don't understand is that it will catch up with them and hurt Castle in the end.

Just look at their reputation here on cafe pharma, it is tattered. It is going to be very hard for them to recruit good reps and convince those reps to leave a good position for this. Had I seen these posts before working here, no way I would have joined this company.

This is not some unforeseen situation. This is the result, of a strategy that these unethical, unprofessional, morons have decided to go by. They know it is a fast way to grow and they don't care about anyone else. What they don't understand is that it will catch up with them and hurt Castle in the end.

Just look at their reputation here on cafe pharma, it is tattered. It is going to be very hard for them to recruit good reps and convince those reps to leave a good position for this. Had I seen these posts before working here, no way I would have joined this company.

Castle did not even have a home here at CP until a couple of weeks ago. Driven by the posts on another companies board. So there was no way to know. What they want is new business and then take over the accounts, get rid of the rep, hire a newbie with other personal connections exploit those, fire, rice and repeat like the stupid sales manual says. Who gets the money? The Dvps. Yea, it's personal.

Your out of line!

It is personal when they attract you from a good paying job with great benefits, just for it all to be a lie. They need to know that families are hurt when they hire someone away from another company, then burn through them in a couple months. It is not right and very personal!

They hurt careers and hurt families! Doesn't get more personal than that!

You make a very good point. I just get sensitive as a mother when you start talking about someone's child. I know the post wasn't against the child but children should be left out of it. I completely understand what you are saying. They do not seem to care about who they hurt. Letting one DVP hire and fire people over and over is unacceptable and human resources would put a stop to it if they had any power at all.

You make a very good point. I just get sensitive as a mother when you start talking about someone's child. I know the post wasn't against the child but children should be left out of it. I completely understand what you are saying. They do not seem to care about who they hurt. Letting one DVP hire and fire people over and over is unacceptable and human resources would put a stop to it if they had any power at all.
You are correct. Children should be kept out of it. But when you have to suffer the prolonged stories about his child then it is fair game. I should never have heard about his 14 year old and LPs attempt to buy the kids love. But it was multiple times. And a waste of time multiple times. Time I could have been knocking on doors. But LP's need to brag is always more important than anything else. So I really didn't bring his kid into this. And i understand your point. He also bragged multiple times about his eldest son, 47 I think, sending us links to his commercial and telling us about it at length on calls. It's cool to be proud of your kids. But if I started talking about one of my kids and tried to hijack a team call for 30 mins LP would have lost his tiny little mind. He is just such a horrible human being. He's not a good person. How could he be. He found 6 women to say "I do" and all 6 said I want a divorce. That is a war on women.

All of the post I can say are very accurate and truthful. If I had known about all of this I would have not left my sorry job for this debotchery of a sales company.

The management is beyond horrific. So I will carry on until you fools decide to fire me. Then I will show you the difference between real sales professional and You. The competition is waiting already for you to cut me so they can enjoy/reap the rewards!!

FYI, if you think people only video tape cops beating up citizens think twice. I sat and watched a person video a lot of neat things. OMG, the cause of action is going to be unbelievable to deny. Good luck with that and see ya in the funny papers