I made this thread so we can discuss happenings at corporate and trainings that take place there.
Was it just me, or did everyone else feel that the billing department was a little hostile towards us. I was shocked to find that the two rudest individuals were the CFO and the manger over billing. They calmed down after lecturing for 30 minutes and performing a flamboyant lip sync, but I was still offended by the way they introduced themselves and tore down the sales force.
They really don't know how a business operates, if they did, they would know that the sales force puts a roof over their heads.
When I was fired a couple of weeks back, I got a letter from CW in HR. First off it is a two page letter printed on three pages. What a Frickin moron. Take some pride in your work. Anyway, the letter addressed only the non compete. Nothing more. But I just got fired because I suck. So what are they afraid of? Why not let me go to the competition and suck there? It would be better for Castle. The absolute stupidity and unprofessional behavior at all levels is stunning.
Mine either. Especially when I tell the judge I got fired because according to Rob, who I never met, his loss, and LP said I suck. Hard to imagine it could hold.No way that non compete would hold in my state.
If Rob says you suck then take it as a compliment. Non compete agreements only hold up in certain states. I read it and came to the conclusion that after an account which you called on or set up for Castle has not sent in a sample for 60 days then it is no longer considered a "Castle" account. I waited my 60 days on accounts I had called on. As for the accounts I boarded for Castle they eventually leave Castle. That is one of the things they do not tell you. You will lose accounts because of poor customer service. Yes the testing is 99% or 100% but not the same for customer service. The first sign of good customer service is how you treat your employees. If employees are treated well then it usually transfers to the customer. Only people at the corporate office are treated well.
Thank you very much!
Please, let's start a list below all of the possible lab companies that all of us, betrayed Castle Family Members, can go to when we are fired, let go or removed for no good reason. Capitalism in America is what makes it so great and it also provides a checks and balance for many things. Restrain of trade is unconstitutional and non competes are just that in most cases according to many of The Supreme Court States interpretations.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
With the fear of losing the best accounts to the best sales persons to the competition should offer some protection to the sale force. Without it, all are at the mercy of any whim.
Castle, thank you for the opportunity but know one likes being harvested! Offer the $2001.00 to leave is not enough I feel. Offer the money and a total release from any restrictions you placed on us with that contract and I bet most all of us will walk away today!! If you dont believe me Castle, just send out a money order with that amount on it with our contractual release and see how many cash the check !!!!
Please list all lab options below and add as many as needed.
1. lab Source
Warning to all women who attend training. The DVPs are sleaze bags and will try to get you drunk. They start shots around two every day and the crude humor, touching, and flirting is over the top. They don't care if you are married or not, they are wolves. I watched two DVPs take women to their room after they got them stupid, pass out on the floor drunk! When their are only 6 DVPs and two are doing this crap and the rest are trying, it makes for a pretty corrupt environment. This place is a sexual harassment lawsuit ready to happen.
I'm a guy and LP was bragging about his eye lift during the interview process. Talking about how the ladies were gonna love it. Okay. Whatever old man. How about we talk about business rather than you nepoleonic issues. So you are short. So you have little hair. So you have no formal education. No one cares. Don't create some myth about being the greatest sales manager ever. EVER. The love shack is not real sales. It is called pimping. Stop trying to buy your kids love with a Camero. The one you said you would buy him now and it would be waiting for him when he can drive. He is 14. Who wants a car that has sat in a driveway for two years? Why do you have to buy his love? You built a miniature golf course in your back yard so he would want all his friends to hang at your house this summer. Great, micro manage him like you try to do your reps and he will be fired by you as well by mid july. Try being yourself. He might like that guy. Probably not because you don't like the real you. If you did you wouldn't have made up all the other crap. You would not constantly talk about how great you believe yourself to be. You are not. You don't even want to be a dvp. You want only the money. But you can't go back to being a rep. So you are stuck doing something you hate. You told me and others that Rob BEGGED you, BEGGED you to take the DVP job. Since you took it now you can't back out of it. You hate your job, so you will make sure those around you hate their jobs, and before they hate it enough to quit, you will fire them. Just so you can put a stain on their career. You are pathetic. If I were you, I wouldn't like myself either. But I'm not you, and for that I am greatful.
Totally makes sense that he has been divorced 5 times. He can't get along with anyone!
I'm a guy and LP was bragging about his eye lift during the interview process. Talking about how the ladies were gonna love it. Okay. Whatever old man. How about we talk about business rather than you nepoleonic issues. So you are short. So you have little hair. So you have no formal education. No one cares. Don't create some myth about being the greatest sales manager ever. EVER. The love shack is not real sales. It is called pimping. Stop trying to buy your kids love with a Camero. The one you said you would buy him now and it would be waiting for him when he can drive. He is 14. Who wants a car that has sat in a driveway for two years? Why do you have to buy his love? You built a miniature golf course in your back yard so he would want all his friends to hang at your house this summer. Great, micro manage him like you try to do your reps and he will be fired by you as well by mid july. Try being yourself. He might like that guy. Probably not because you don't like the real you. If you did you wouldn't have made up all the other crap. You would not constantly talk about how great you believe yourself to be. You are not. You don't even want to be a dvp. You want only the money. But you can't go back to being a rep. So you are stuck doing something you hate. You told me and others that Rob BEGGED you, BEGGED you to take the DVP job. Since you took it now you can't back out of it. You hate your job, so you will make sure those around you hate their jobs, and before they hate it enough to quit, you will fire them. Just so you can put a stain on their career. You are pathetic. If I were you, I wouldn't like myself either. But I'm not you, and for that I am greatful.