Corona Virus

“We have decided to temporarily reduce operations in all North America plants for two weeks starting April 13, with only critical lines continuing to run. During this time, affected team members will be paid at 80% of their salary and will retain all unused PTO. Distribution Centers will remain open.” K Tripp

The recent social media training that states “every employee trains to a procedure that clearly states you don’t make ANY comments in public or social media regarding Zimmer Biomet period or you are subject to dismissal”

So are we out of a job or what? I need answers! I have a family to feed:

We anticipate shipments may resume at the end of April. Due to the dynamic COVID-19 situation we cannot give a firm resumption date at this time. We will provide you with further communications as the situation evolves.”

So are we out of a job or what? I need answers! I have a family to feed:

We anticipate shipments may resume at the end of April. Due to the dynamic COVID-19 situation we cannot give a firm resumption date at this time. We will provide you with further communications as the situation evolves.”

So sorry that you don't understand that you don't matter, none of us do. But don't tell anyone......

Cut the bull. 85% of you "sales" people were "given" a hospital and your surgeons to "cover." You don't sell shit.

You set-up cases and have products available to the surgeons at your hospital(s). Maybe you have/had your own "coverage and tray running" monkey, or work in a team with some. Stop being delusion. You're not "taking YOUR business to Stryker, SN and DePuy" competition. Their "Sales Producers" in the field aren't "bringing THEIR orthopods to ZB" either, unless it's a full team, or distribution move.

Take the loans. It's lower interest than you'll qualify for anywhere else, especially without a job and income.

last time I saw ZB mgmt in the OR they made a complete fool of themselves. The surgeon was astonished that was the competency of who I reported to. I see the Apple still doesn’t fall far from Warsaw.

Cut the bull. 85% of you "sales" people were "given" a hospital and your surgeons to "cover." You don't sell shit.

You set-up cases and have products available to the surgeons at your hospital(s). Maybe you have/had your own "coverage and tray running" monkey, or work in a team with some. Stop being delusion. You're not "taking YOUR business to Stryker, SN and DePuy" competition. Their "Sales Producers" in the field aren't "bringing THEIR orthopods to ZB" either, unless it's a full team, or distribution move.

Take the loans. It's lower interest than you'll qualify for anywhere else, especially without a job and income.

"Cut the bull. 85% of you "sales" people were "given" a hospital and your surgeons to "cover." You don't sell shit.

You set-up cases and have products available to the surgeons at your hospital(s). Maybe you have/had your own "coverage and tray running" monkey, or work in a team with some. Stop being delusion. You're not "taking YOUR business to Stryker, SN and DePuy" competition. Their "Sales Producers" in the field aren't "bringing THEIR orthopods to ZB" either, unless it's a full team, or distribution move.

Take the loans. It's lower interest than you'll qualify for anywhere else, especially without a job and income."

To the ignorant clown who typed that above: you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. The sales force you denigrate so foolishly saved this company when they pissed off the FDA and almost was brought to its knees.

Hate to bust your bubble pal, but only an idiot would believe its about the device in today's market.

It’s again all about the benjamins. Leadership just doing what they need to do to make debt payments. It’s completely understandable.

If the Covidien suit had a clue he’d go the board and get them to invest for the future. Get ready for the backlog of cases to hit. Motivate reps to sweep up accounts of the smaller companies that are cutting hard. Look for ways to tackle the new social distancing norm for patients and providers. Engage customers electronically, a lot. No, he’s thick as a plank and will just repeat the tricks he learned slashing Mansfield. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

The recent social media training that states “every employee trains to a procedure that clearly states you don’t make ANY comments in public or social media regarding Zimmer Biomet period or you are subject to dismissal”

That's what you do when you are afraid someone will tell the truth. Sounds a lot like Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao's China.

Spoken like a perfect Corporate Tool who took a 20% pay reduction that he'll GET BACK,

Unlike the Sales Force who get a LOAN.

Fuck off.

PS: What will you do when all your Sales Producers move our business to Stryker, SN and Depuy who are clearly "destination Employers"?

I’m not a corporate employee but thanks for playing. The thing about “men” like you is that one day you’ll look at yourself in the mirror and realize that what everyone else truly thinks about you is true. Best of luck to you.

I’m not a corporate employee but thanks for playing. The thing about “men” like you is that one day you’ll look at yourself in the mirror and realize that what everyone else truly thinks about you is true. Best of luck to you.

Here I am, your Stryker buddy here to catch up on the Family Feud. So glad to see even some of your "not a corporate employee" guys are as clueless as your "leadership"

Keep it up, cuz we are more motivated than ever by knowing the ZB sales force is getting in touch with us.

ROSA? Good luck with that; let us know when you make the major leagues and can do something more than primary knees.

The watch thing? Another loser. ZB would have been much better off taking care of their Reps (I'm not worried about that getting passed along, cuz no one in Warsaw listens).

Thanks Guys and keep it up!

Here I am, your Stryker buddy here to catch up on the Family Feud. So glad to see even some of your "not a corporate employee" guys are as clueless as your "leadership"

Keep it up, cuz we are more motivated than ever by knowing the ZB sales force is getting in touch with us.

ROSA? Good luck with that; let us know when you make the major leagues and can do something more than primary knees.

The watch thing? Another loser. ZB would have been much better off taking care of their Reps (I'm not worried about that getting passed along, cuz no one in Warsaw listens).

Thanks Guys and keep it up!

I’m not a sales rep or a corporate employee. I’m actually a GP who was pointed to this forum by a orthopedic surgeon friend who thought I’d get a laugh at all this. He says his rep is a total asshat but tolerates him for the hospital’s sake. He says most ortho reps are guys who’s best days were in the locker room snapping towels at each other’s asses. I’m glad I only have to deal with my drug rep. She can be a pain at times but at least she’s easy on the eyes.

What’s really funny is that most of you on here seem to think of yourselves as some alpha Gordon Gekko type character when you’re probably much much closer to a Willy Loman.

So you're not a GP and you were not referred to this forum by an orthopod. You are a competitive rep or a ZB rep pretending to be a doctor to insult the profession of reps. All while being a rep. Most of the reps that complain about this job and think they are above it are typically not very good at the job and can't handle the stress of sales. Lame attempt to sound cool.

I’m not a sales rep or a corporate employee. I’m actually a GP who was pointed to this forum by a orthopedic surgeon friend who thought I’d get a laugh at all this. He says his rep is a total asshat but tolerates him for the hospital’s sake. He says most ortho reps are guys who’s best days were in the locker room snapping towels at each other’s asses. I’m glad I only have to deal with my drug rep. She can be a pain at times but at least she’s easy on the eyes.

What’s really funny is that most of you on here seem to think of yourselves as some alpha Gordon Gekko type character when you’re probably much much closer to a Willy Loman.

Its not "a orthopedic surgeon friend...", it's "an orthopedic surgeon friend."

No wonder you're just a GP and welcome to the Cafepharma site.

I’m not a sales rep or a corporate employee. I’m actually a GP who was pointed to this forum by a orthopedic surgeon friend who thought I’d get a laugh at all this. He says his rep is a total asshat but tolerates him for the hospital’s sake. He says most ortho reps are guys who’s best days were in the locker room snapping towels at each other’s asses. I’m glad I only have to deal with my drug rep. She can be a pain at times but at least she’s easy on the eyes.

What’s really funny is that most of you on here seem to think of yourselves as some alpha Gordon Gekko type character when you’re probably much much closer to a Willy Loman.

Let me guess, Dr. GP, you didn't match with any residency program so your career goals are fulfilled by checking out the Pharmababes.

I'd shoot myself.........

Your "FRIEND" obviously is not a busy cutter because you have no clue what your talking about. Most surgeons DO NOT just deal with ass hats for the sake of the hospital. Even if there under some type of contract like a Synthes trauma contract or dual vendor situation.

If you think were just snapping towels then you've never seen one of us get a heart scrub tech through a periprosthetic FX/Hinge on off hours because she was just filling in. Your naive if you think most surgeons or anyone else in the room know the system better than the rep. If they do that rep won't last long.

You'll want me in the room if one of your loved ones has a shattered Prox. Humerus, reamed out acetabulum during a primary THA etc.... because I know my shit and know how to react. Enjoy your Paneras from your drug rep.

Sure!!!! We believe you. You are a Stryker rep. Hahahhahahhahahahahahahhaahahhashhahhahahahahaah

Hey,that's a good one! Actually, I am a Stryker Rep, but I admire your spunk. You will probably be ok at the end of this disaster, but I''l be better off because I won't any any LOANS!

Why not come over to someplace you will be respected? You'd do well here.