Corona Virus

Your "FRIEND" obviously is not a busy cutter because you have no clue what your talking about. Most surgeons DO NOT just deal with ass hats for the sake of the hospital. Even if there under some type of contract like a Synthes trauma contract or dual vendor situation.

If you think were just snapping towels then you've never seen one of us get a heart scrub tech through a periprosthetic FX/Hinge on off hours because she was just filling in. Your naive if you think most surgeons or anyone else in the room know the system better than the rep. If they do that rep won't last long.

You'll want me in the room if one of your loved ones has a shattered Prox. Humerus, reamed out acetabulum during a primary THA etc.... because I know my shit and know how to react. Enjoy your Paneras from your drug rep.

Yes, very noble. One may argue hero status.

To the Stryker idiot. Your company doesnt care about you or any competitive rep.

Your Stryker Idiot here. Now, that at least shows some spirit, but I'm afraid the facts prove otherwise.....Stryker guaranteed us while you were probably one of the ZB corporate suits who made the terrific decision to LOAN your Reps their future.

We from NJ want to thank you for that!

You also have string tied around your sack as a W2 puppet for lobo. Own what you earn, don’t take something for nothing. I’m ok with it and don’t need to take any money. Would rather them invest it in things that will help me make more money.

Losing the best of the best hurts companies... Whether you are Zimmer or Biomet or ZB, no one is more respected than .... of course we all know.. Cheers and keep winning....

Your "FRIEND" obviously is not a busy cutter because you have no clue what your talking about. Most surgeons DO NOT just deal with ass hats for the sake of the hospital. Even if there under some type of contract like a Synthes trauma contract or dual vendor situation.

If you think were just snapping towels then you've never seen one of us get a heart scrub tech through a periprosthetic FX/Hinge on off hours because she was just filling in. Your naive if you think most surgeons or anyone else in the room know the system better than the rep. If they do that rep won't last long.

You'll want me in the room if one of your loved ones has a shattered Prox. Humerus, reamed out acetabulum during a primary THA etc.... because I know my shit and know how to react. Enjoy your Paneras from your drug rep.

Counting these rocks Beyotch!!!!! Last time I checked I weren't getting paid on my grammer. LMAO. Enjoy being a primary care Weenie.. Keep sending those worn out joints to the real Docs..........