Xymogen does not make this form of CoQ10, it is manufactured by BEST Formulations and this form form of CoQ 10 is available from several other private label companies including health food stores. BEST is a high quality manufacturer (true Pharma), so the quality of the product cannot be questioned.
What can be questioned are the dubious clinical studies claiming it is 8x more absorbable than powdered CoQ10. This study was done on an empty stomach for a fat soluble molecule, ubiquinone requires the presence of fats for absorption, so of course the dry form was poorly absorbed. CoQMax is CoQ10 in a fat soluble suspension, so it naturally outperformed dry Q10 on an empty stomach.
Most reputable companies that supply dry CoQ10 recommend it be taken with a fat containing meal and this recommendation was not followed in the clinical studies used by Xymo to over-promote an expensive version of an already expensive supplement.
Published research showing efficacy of CoQ10 for migraine and Parkinsons does NOT use this form, so this product is not really "research supported."
Similar claims are made for ubiquinol, but the chances are this becomes ubiquinone by the time the bottle makes it to your shelf and it is easily converted back to ubiquinol when actively transported through mitochondrial membrane.
Don't be fooled by the hype! Get your CoQ10 in 100mg pearls as a daily supplement, take 200mg daily for migraine and 1200mg daily to slow progression of Parkinsons. Look for a product with an NPA, USP, NSF or TGA for quality assurance. This product has come way down in price in the last few years, no need to pay for Xymo hype.