Coolest Managers ever while at Santarus

He could pop those six packs with some Zegerid alright! C'mon Trinions, you know what I am talking about. Don't act like you didn't kiss butt and give him some of your Zegerid samples.

He could pop those six packs with some Zegerid alright! C'mon Trinions, you know what I am talking about. Don't act like you didn't kiss butt and give him some of your Zegerid samples.

Why is it a crime for a team to actually like each other? Troy and Chris Morton made the Dallas team feel like a work family. The worst part is that we all knew we had it good, which is why this Salix transition has been so rough. Troy is a great manager and really cares about his people. Give the guy a break.

Ohio Santarus rep here. Now you can narrow it down. I don't get the bashing of Troy. The guy has always been a help for us. Seems like a great guy. Always seeks me out at meetings to say hi. And who is the jerk off that keeps bashing Nichole....what a pussy you are. She's such a nice lady. And I know for a fact, that girl could beat your ass! Hopefully Gerry will do another start up and we can get out of here!

So how many of you actually get Troy to call you back? Yeah that is what I thought. Real helpful alright. Trust me, he is riding this wave out and laying low. He can "fake" the job duties as he says while he is looking to play golf or get back home and pop some more Zegerid samples. Anyway, I think he should be demoted to being a rep again so he can actually have some accountability.

Pearlstein? Bahahah what a joke. They should have kept Andy instead.

Yes Andy deserved to stay but this place would have crushed his spirit. He never would have been happy. Andy is a free spirit. They don't get that at Salix. They would have forced him out. I would have hated to see them beat him down. Better off now trust me. He told me so.