Cool idea from my boss!!!!!!

I tried this today and wow-what a response!
He punched me in the balls and then through the three broken pieces of candy at me.
What should I put in my call notes?

You tell the truth, the doctor responded in a way you've never seen before, patted you on the back and said "Come back again as soon as you can with more of that excellent clinical information." You have to send a voicemail success story too to complete the sales cycle, DMs love this stuff.

She told me to give out 3 reisens candies to a doctor, and then say I want to give you 3 reason why you should try my drug! It worked! Give it a try y'all!!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I've been using this all month with my doctors and staff. I think it's gong to make a big impact. Looking forward to seeing my numbers for April!!!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I've been using this all month with my doctors and staff. I think it's gong to make a big impact. Looking forward to seeing my numbers for April!!!!!

If you really want your April numbers to rise, SHOW SOME BOOB on the next call, or better yet, wear a really short skirt and no panties , drop one of the reisens, then turn around and pick it up and - this is important - when you bend over to pick it up make sure your ass is facing the doc. Pause a few seconds while picking it up , then turn back and slowly say "Doc, Ah believe Ah've just shown you one good reisen to write my drug" . Guarantee a rise in your numbers (among other things) Actually saw a rep do this - I even started writing her product.!

i tried this yesterday also and i am a female,
the only problem is
I am a little overweight, many varicose veins and I have a hairy ass, when I bent over to pick up the candies I had purposely put on the ground, I looked over my shoulder at the Dr and he started to have the dry heaves and put one of those hospital gowns over me,
does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this next time I am in this clinic

I am going to try this today.
I will put my product samples in my hand and tell the doc-
"I'll give you three reasons why you should eat reisens candies"
Think they'll notice the difference?

OMG, I can't believe anybody would do the old "candy" routine! I thought that went out in the '90's. I remember back then reps would give out all sorts of candy with silly messages attached--for example, a Take 5 bar with a note saying "I just need five minutes of your time." Not only is this silly, I thought it is now against Pharma Guidelines, i.e., "homemade bread". I guess you are probably going to use the Take 5 idea now, aren't you??