Cool idea from my boss!!!!!!

Hey- here's another cool idea for you to use at the BBQ this weekend!
Put three pieces of chicken in his hand and a scoop of potato salad!
Then you'll be invited to his daughters' wedding next year!!
Or try this- three pieces of apple pie on his head!
This is how you will move from superficial to credible in no time!

No, it was cool, the doctor said that he loved new reps. I am new but I'm learning. I'm going to a BBQ at his house this weekend!!!

You're so MARKETABLE at this age. You really should have chosen a more promising career path that can continue to utilize all your immense talents for a lifetime. Really really bad choice, but enjoy the BBQ.

(And a small bit of advice. You really should also forget about all the really, really old shit nobody does anymore and talk about patients and how they treat them....... Giving them three good reasons to write your drug doesn't mean shit if you don't know first if and why the provider would even be interested or have a need. Then how your drug might be able to fill the need. Truly, grow up and get a life.)

look for a new career, this industry is a joke, especially contract

Op here, why is everyone so negative about this job? It's great!!!!! I love what I do!!!! Me and the girls are going to dress up for cinco de mayo! Can't wait for Halloween. I hear every dresses up! I want to be Charlie angels with my counterparts!

This job is so fun!!!!!!

She told me to give out 3 reisens candies to a doctor, and then say I want to give you 3 reason why you should try my drug! It worked! Give it a try y'all!!!!

Hey! This was a great idea. I tried it last week, and the doctor paused and said those are good reasons. Then he ate one of the candies right in front of me. So cool!!!!!

Ok- I'll ask- how do you dress up for cinco de quatro? this is a joke-BO said it.
Also, can you post photos of the charlie's angles costumes in Oct?
That would be awesome.

She told me to give out 3 reisens candies to a doctor, and then say I want to give you 3 reason why you should try my drug! It worked! Give it a try y'all!!!!

Really? Really?
How old are you? If I did that with my more "mature" doctors... I would get thrown the f*ck out of the office... not to mention DIE of embarrassment