Contacted by a recruiter for a sales position...please share your thoughts

It probably depends on the territory. Ive heard recruiters are very misleading. Ive never made less than 150K. Try to find some reps on linkin and talk personally. There are lots of variables and many of the territories are really different. Ask the hiring manager lots of questions about the open territory and how it has performed. If the rep was doing poorly, then your quota will be attainable in the beginning. Some new reps are making 200 plus but dont think that continues.

Please explain why things are so miserable there. I'm trying to make a
decision about a job that is the sole income for my family. Please be serious with your replies. If I knew anyone that worked there, I would call and talk to them rather than relying on this board. But, I don't know anyone and really need some input. Thanks ahead of time for explaining why it's so bad. And possibly, any positives.

worst company ever, anywhere else would be better, company has a turnstile mentality with uper Area & VP leaders that don't care about TM turnover, definitely a stone stepping job if they hire you, you'll want to leave within 6 months. Ive never worked for a company they do not let you aws the TM to call into the home office and talk to someone. You have to email your Area Coordinator & Intake dept. (No Phone Calls accepted unless a manager can email in for you to set it up) Upper management has NO clue how to listen & keep employees. there was 100% turnover of TM's within 2-3 years where I was. Good luck getting approvals on weekends if you live on the West coast as Zoll closes after 2pm Sat & 11am (PST) Sunday.

the 401k match = (7 years for 100% vested, so they never have to match 100% to employees)
The company is complacent with turnover to hire new reps so at the National meetings "that you have to share a room with a stranger" everyone is new and excited every year. Its all a farse

I have been with zoll a few years in the PA market. No one on my team makes less then $175,000 a year. I really love it here.

This is another misguided lie. Anyone making the 175 is brand new because of constant turn over. Year two or three..well almost nobody makes goal which means they are NOT making money.

I've heard the behavioral test they conduct is pretty rapid fire. Is this really pass/fail? What are they looking for?

I think these tests are a bunch of shit.

Yes. I just took it a few days ago. Extremely fast & is pass/fail. Weeds out about 80% of the candidates.

How is Zoll with taking vacation for new hires?

as an actual former ZOLL employee I would say take this job and use it as a stepping stone to something better. Recruiters all know that being employed there is a short-term step. You gain credibility for having survived even briefly. You become a target for every recruiter out there and opportunities open up. Just take the job as a transitional move and don't plan on staying for more than 2 years.

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