Consistently losing good people!!

I grabbed some Upneeq samples from one of my offices last week. This shit is amazing. Really. My golden lab had an injury to her left eye. Since her eyelid has covered most of it because of the raccoon bite. I dumped a vile of this in it and her eye looked almost normal for a good part of the day. She was happier, playful and could see the deer feces in my yard now to go and eat. I know if not indicated for dogs eyes, but it worked for her. Thanks Rivitalid!

I grabbed some Upneeq samples from one of my offices last week. This shit is amazing. Really. My golden lab had an injury to her left eye. Since her eyelid has covered most of it because of the raccoon bite. I dumped a vile of this in it and her eye looked almost normal for a good part of the day. She was happier, playful and could see the deer feces in my yard now to go and eat. I know if not indicated for dogs eyes, but it worked for her. Thanks Rivitalid!
That’s funny. Glad it works. I’ve used it on my 73 year old Himalayan Pig, but it’s hard to get her to sit still when she comes homes from selling Rivatlid.

That’s funny. Glad it works. I’ve used it on my 73 year old Himalayan Pig, but it’s hard to get her to sit still when she comes homes from selling Rivatlid.
I have a 13 year old pug which I’ve tried this on to help his night visions for stairs when he needs to piss. I guess in dog years that 69 which is roughly the average of most of the reps I see hustling this garbage making no money while I reap the benefits of selling Botox and laugh when the old ass dude come in selling this crap. Good for dogs like previous poster said.

The product is crap. Opthamologists won't touch it and patients don't think its worth the money.
Botox and plastic surgery are bigger wins so Upneeq, Bobo markison, &airhead philanderer JD Schaub are all headed into the dumpster. 80% of the company is owned by insiders and the other 20% are not paying attention. There is a reason J&J got rid of it years ago and these boobs were trying to make a quick buck and failed

The product is crap. Opthamologists won't touch it and patients don't think its worth the money.
Botox and plastic surgery are bigger wins so Upneeq, Bobo markison, &airhead philanderer JD Schaub are all headed into the dumpster. 80% of the company is owned by insiders and the other 20% are not paying attention. There is a reason J&J got rid of it years ago and these boobs were trying to make a quick buck and failed
Thanks captain obvious.
Ole Charleston SC chiming in and spitting out some knowledge.