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Conicelli is a bag of dicks! He hires safe and boring people that don’t rock the boat.


Horrible history of hiring under performing and dull RM’s for the east, Hey if it’s not a strong referral, Conicelli will make the wrong decision every time. Like at national meetings, Conicelli is drinking water with his team. Are you enthusiastic about Conicelli as your leader or any other manager in the east? Nope.. He hires safe and boring people that don’t rock the boat.

Since when is drinking water a bad idea at a corporate function. Sounds like the boss had to stay dry to keep an eye on the sheep that are prone to making HR blunders with a few drinks under their belt. Someone needs to be the adult, even at corporate functions.

Horrible history of hiring under performing and dull RM’s for the east, Hey if it’s not a strong referral, Conicelli will make the wrong decision every time. Like at national meetings, Conicelli is drinking water with his team. Are you enthusiastic about Conicelli as your leader or any other manager in the east? Nope.. He hires safe and boring people that don’t rock the boat.

Sounds like someone needs to go back to medical sales college to do the 100 level program on how to plan for success in the territory.

I can hear Conicelli and Meg bragging about it now. Those students from medical sales college are just amazing. We should fire everybody with tenure and hire more people from that amazing college. Conicelli replies who needs experience and relationships. I’m responsible for all the relationships in the east.

I can hear Conicelli and Meg bragging about it now. Those students from medical sales college are just amazing. We should fire everybody with tenure and hire more people from that amazing college. Conicelli replies who needs experience and relationships. I’m responsible for all the relationships in the east.

Hard to sell something sitting home watching Netflix and some young 20 something is taking your lunch because they hustle hard. Grit works at any age and is a huge advantage over experience. Remember what Dean Wormer said about the fat, drunk and stupid.