I've always said that the best promotion available at ES is the ability to leave to an A level company on your own terms, without being pushed out by management. I was lucky enough to do that. I was also lucky enough to perform very well while here which I attribute to gut busting hard work and two excellent managers that I trusted my career with. Now looking from the outside in, Never have I seen a division do so little with so much. They do hire good people, hard working sales hungry people that will work 80 hour weeks away from their families to hit plan. The products are very very good. Altrus is great when it is working well. I was a top rep with the product and scrubbed over 50 cases and only had minor issues. If I ever need surgery myself, I will find a surgeon who uses the 5000. If my wife ever needs a hyst, I will insist on Altrus. If she needs any other procedures, I have enough goldvac being used I would find one of those guys. I have zero to gain financially from all of this having left the company, but I believe in the clinical value of the products to this day.
All that said, SM and DM are crushing the morale of the sales force, what little of each there is left. Late to party with Altrus, way over priced product, refusal to grant no charge trials, management by fear...I could keep going. The products are so good...argon, thermogard pads, goldvac, pulse coag is amazing... The managers are even pretty good too. ZD and BE could be rock stars at an A level company. Even DD at the home office is light years ahead of his colleagues. Its just that from the top down, the problems begin.
Its like moving away from a house you worked hard to build, then watching the new owners just run it down.
All that said, SM and DM are crushing the morale of the sales force, what little of each there is left. Late to party with Altrus, way over priced product, refusal to grant no charge trials, management by fear...I could keep going. The products are so good...argon, thermogard pads, goldvac, pulse coag is amazing... The managers are even pretty good too. ZD and BE could be rock stars at an A level company. Even DD at the home office is light years ahead of his colleagues. Its just that from the top down, the problems begin.
Its like moving away from a house you worked hard to build, then watching the new owners just run it down.