Confessions from a former AZ PSS

Truth Hurts

This is a true story. Lets go back to summer 2008. Rumors were circulating all summer about AZ cutting its salesforce. The summer passed and the death cries were getting louder. I was a 10 year veteran of AZ and Symbicort sales trainer with several leadership positions and in good standing with both my DSM and Regional Business Manager. SO as fall came around, I was honestly not worried. They announced the day that we would get "the call" and to stay by the phone. I was 90% certain that I was safe. It was mid November 2009, a few weeks before thanksgiving. I got the call from the DSM and she said that I was planned to be cut. She was so sorry. There was "nothing she could do" I was in total shock ! How could the Sr. Member of the sales team be cut? I had good reviews, I was friends with all my doctors, and I had 10 years at AZ. I was a level 3 making $87K base (after a COLA increase). I was respected in my area as a great rep. I worked from 9-3:30 every day and got 6 signatures. I was paid a severance of 2 weeks for every year so I got one big check. I was forced to sign a legal document in order to get that money. It said I would not sue AZ. I got 6 months free COBRA and 20 weeks if I signed legal form. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and kids and everyone saying "sorry" to me. My goal was to get a job after Jan 1 and save some severance. In the next year, I collected unemployment and started aggressively sending out resumes to everyone I knew. I sent resumes to EVERY pharma and biotech company twice. I said to myself this is my opportunity to finally get out of pharma sales and into a "real career" that was respected. I sent out several hundred resumes in 2009 and 2010. I must have emailed 200-250 resumes. I got 3 pharma interviews. I never made it past first round. The District hiring managers told me "we had over 100 applications for this open territory" and "how many times did you make presidents club cause we only want the best" ? I never made it. I was 38 years old at that time. It has been 3 years now and I am still sending resumes out. I am selling but not in the industry. I am now making $55k, exactly half of what I was making three years ago as a level 3 PSS. No more vacations, free gas, spoiling the kids etc. Its all gone now. My income is low. I get approx. 3% response rate on applications I mail out. SO If I mail out 100 resumes, I get 3 responses. This takes six months to do. Forget about the Symbicort training champion or the exceeded expectations that one year or my biology degree with honors or my 6 signatures every day, I am telling you that I was thrown out of AZ in a millisecond and never recovered. I share this humiliating and very true story with the AZ salesforce as a wakeup call to start looking NOW. Be prepared. It took me 2 full years to get a terribly low paying job. At 40, it is really tough. The pharma rep profile is 23-30 and a pretty girl. This is not an "old mans game" Lets face it, its a part time job and a college grad could perform that job at $40k a year and be thrilled. If someone has a legitimate question, please ask and I will honestly reply. (this is a true story)


being you sent out 100 resumes you go about it the wrong way....

networking networking networking

job fairs

meet and greets with business people....

if you go about it resume, you'll be there a few more years i'm afraid

go back and learn a new job profession/go back and get a different degree....

pharma isn't the answer, it's a one way street

I am sure you gave the numbers of resumes and responses to show the impact and how difficult it is....I am sure you are networking and trying to find careers in other ways. I'll give you more credit than the 2nd poster did...I lost me job same time, got another one and lost it a year later and now unemployed again for 6 months (only 3 months the first time) But a couple of things I do agree with is get moving NOW! and get moving out of pharma. Even those who think they are safe/know the right one is safe.

My old manager of 11 years ago (different company) gave me some really good advice. Even when you are happily employed treat every new person you meet as if you are looking for a new job...always keep options open, keep contacts names, keep in contact on a 3-4 month basis etc. that is how you find a better job faster...

It is loud and clear the days of making great money, not paying for gas, having a flexible job (but still getting your work done) are gone. $55K isn't that really could be worse. I know it is easier said than done but you do have to focus on the positive things. Growing up my parents were not wealthy...even struggled at times. So say good bye to the great vacations and enjoy having a family. I know my memories of growing up are the fun times together at the local beach, sand pit (cheap stuff) but they are great memories because we were together. Raise your children right and they will feel the same way. (I am sure they have felt the lifestyle change, it is shocking to all of us your kids included I am sure, we are all human, it sucks!) I felt it my family went from not having a lot of money to having food stamps (they tried to hide it from us but we did eventually find out)....but the most important memory I have is all the love. Which is priceless. I don't like the sayings "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" or "God only gives you what you can handle" The one thing I think these experiences do for people like you and me who have struggled through this is give us perspective retrospective (how good it used to be) and how it is today and how we would like it to be...perspective is a very powerful thing if you can attain it. I know I would have made different decisions if I had perspective on how good it really was and how fast it could all disappear.

Good luck to you!

This is a true story. Lets go back to summer 2008. Rumors were circulating all summer about AZ cutting its salesforce. The summer passed and the death cries were getting louder. I was a 10 year veteran of AZ and Symbicort sales trainer with several leadership positions and in good standing with both my DSM and Regional Business Manager. SO as fall came around, I was honestly not worried. They announced the day that we would get "the call" and to stay by the phone. I was 90% certain that I was safe. It was mid November 2009, a few weeks before thanksgiving. I got the call from the DSM and she said that I was planned to be cut. She was so sorry. There was "nothing she could do" I was in total shock ! How could the Sr. Member of the sales team be cut? I had good reviews, I was friends with all my doctors, and I had 10 years at AZ. I was a level 3 making $87K base (after a COLA increase). I was respected in my area as a great rep. I worked from 9-3:30 every day and got 6 signatures. I was paid a severance of 2 weeks for every year so I got one big check. I was forced to sign a legal document in order to get that money. It said I would not sue AZ. I got 6 months free COBRA and 20 weeks if I signed legal form. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and kids and everyone saying "sorry" to me. My goal was to get a job after Jan 1 and save some severance. In the next year, I collected unemployment and started aggressively sending out resumes to everyone I knew. I sent resumes to EVERY pharma and biotech company twice. I said to myself this is my opportunity to finally get out of pharma sales and into a "real career" that was respected. I sent out several hundred resumes in 2009 and 2010. I must have emailed 200-250 resumes. I got 3 pharma interviews. I never made it past first round. The District hiring managers told me "we had over 100 applications for this open territory" and "how many times did you make presidents club cause we only want the best" ? I never made it. I was 38 years old at that time. It has been 3 years now and I am still sending resumes out. I am selling but not in the industry. I am now making $55k, exactly half of what I was making three years ago as a level 3 PSS. No more vacations, free gas, spoiling the kids etc. Its all gone now. My income is low. I get approx. 3% response rate on applications I mail out. SO If I mail out 100 resumes, I get 3 responses. This takes six months to do. Forget about the Symbicort training champion or the exceeded expectations that one year or my biology degree with honors or my 6 signatures every day, I am telling you that I was thrown out of AZ in a millisecond and never recovered. I share this humiliating and very true story with the AZ salesforce as a wakeup call to start looking NOW. Be prepared. It took me 2 full years to get a terribly low paying job. At 40, it is really tough. The pharma rep profile is 23-30 and a pretty girl. This is not an "old mans game" Lets face it, its a part time job and a college grad could perform that job at $40k a year and be thrilled. If someone has a legitimate question, please ask and I will honestly reply. (this is a true story)

My one major question for you: Were you willing to move to find a new job?

I am, and when I get the axe, I am moving to a place with much better job prospects and a lower cost of living!

being you sent out 100 resumes you go about it the wrong way....

networking networking networking

job fairs

meet and greets with business people....

if you go about it resume, you'll be there a few more years i'm afraid

go back and learn a new job profession/go back and get a different degree....

pharma isn't the answer, it's a one way street

The above poster is a total Dickhea# and so full of shit i cant begin to tear apart this BS. It sounds like my current DSM who is full of Shi@ as well. Networking not is this market. It would be tough to network with your Brother in law in this market dipshit

Thanks for your story. I was pushed out of AZ after a quarter of a century. Also some good sales history and ratings over the years. I still harbor some bitterness, even anger, but it is helpful to know that others who once had value have been in the same boat. Best of luck to you and your family.

AS a follow up and to answer a few questions. I am selling lab services now. In my first year, I was not willing to move with 3 kids. After a year of unemployment I realized that I would have to move and I would leave family in our town and find a small apartment in whatever area in the country I got a new territory and come home on weekends. I never got an offer. Most DSM's now hire only people that are "currently living in the territory" and have relationships with the top docs. Other industries are different I am sure but I was focused on pharma sales. It was a long two years folks. I thought that I would rebound in 2 months and it took 25 months.

AS a follow up and to answer a few questions. I am selling lab services now. In my first year, I was not willing to move with 3 kids. After a year of unemployment I realized that I would have to move and I would leave family in our town and find a small apartment in whatever area in the country I got a new territory and come home on weekends. I never got an offer. Most DSM's now hire only people that are "currently living in the territory" and have relationships with the top docs. Other industries are different I am sure but I was focused on pharma sales. It was a long two years folks. I thought that I would rebound in 2 months and it took 25 months.

Wow thanks for your story...especially while many of us are swinging. You have inspired me to search the highest point in my area and leap.

even with knowing people and networking, it really is a tough time to be looking. take what you can get and be grateful. the original poster and other great people let go from AZ were let go because their salaries were high, they were eligible for pricey pensions, they were probably smart and spoke up etc. it has NOT been an objective process when selecting people to be laid off and ZS Consultants didn't make the decision...they mapped out how many reps should go. DSMs decided who. The people who have been let go and got through 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 looking and finally landing something should feel great about themselves because no matter where you live or are willing to relocate to, finding a job with pharma experience is NOT easy. Best wishes to the rest of you.

Unfortunately, 99% of the reps at AZ have not taken one single step towards a Plan B. Why? Because layoffs are what happens to other people, not me. Even if you survive the one coming up, how many more will AZ throw at us? 2? 3? 4? Who knows, but I can tell you it will be more than one.

Read the OP's post about how difficult it's going to be finding a job in this climate. Start preparing now.

Great information to contemplate. I've been through layoffs before with other companies and it gets numbing after a while. I do agree that networking with any and all people you meet (kids school, sports, office staff ...usually have spouses who work in other industries) is a great recommendation. After my first layoff , my wife and I decided to start downsizing. While the kids were in shock, they eventually got used to doing more with the family and not going to every party, event they were invited to. We now have great times and have adjusted to living below our means and paying off debt. I would like to be in a place that I can work at Home Depot and pay the mortgage. Good luck to all.

Great information to contemplate. I've been through layoffs before with other companies and it gets numbing after a while. I do agree that networking with any and all people you meet (kids school, sports, office staff ...usually have spouses who work in other industries) is a great recommendation. After my first layoff , my wife and I decided to start downsizing. While the kids were in shock, they eventually got used to doing more with the family and not going to every party, event they were invited to. We now have great times and have adjusted to living below our means and paying off debt. I would like to be in a place that I can work at Home Depot and pay the mortgage. Good luck to all.

very good suggestions, many in this industry are living way beyond their means and the fat cat is dead on the street.

its a rare opportunity in life to change careers and do what you love. life's too short to let AZ warp your mind and ruin your character

intersting how AZ will do same thing again over thanksgiving this year ! history repeats itself, NO ONE is safe and if not this november then your time will come next novemeber.

Thank you OP...I was also downsized from AZ in Nov 2009 after being with the company over 10 you , I had good reviews (Meets Expectations) the prev 2 years. I was also known within my district of having great relationships with my HCP's, made my numbers via Goals/Forecasts (Bonus) and woked well with counterparts. Yet for some reason, I was let go while many with fewer yrs exp were saved. The hurtful part to me was how quick AZ distances itself from you once you sign your severance package. No Loyalty at all. A PSS position which included part of my old territory was posted about 8 months after I was downsized, I posted for it via AZ Website and recieved a letter several weeks later there were more qualified candidates for the job. Within this defined territory were HCP's that I had with Symbicort shares higher than the Region/National share! Although I always felt AZ was a great company, I knew there was dark days ahead due to pipeline drugs that were supposed to be blockbusters however they never materialized. The day it donned on me that veteran PSS's were in danger occurred when we were at a BEM and some young guy about 30 yrs old ( who talked like some of teenage sons friends, you know them, their inflection in their voice goes up at the end of their sentence) introduced the CSA role and Telemarketing detail for Nexium, saying ..."this is what Drs want". Yea, Dr Smith, please stop treating your patient in Room 6, there is a telemarketer that wants to talk to you about the Miner Study. Well, it isn't easy out here if you want to stay in pharma sales. Most other companies today don't want any former pharma reps with more than 3 yrs exp and Medical Device seems extremely negative on pharma reps altogether! So please start your search now for your next career, it does take months with this terrible economy and the number of folks being displaced and graduating from college is only complicating matters. If you are 40+ in age, please heed this advice. Good Luck!