Confessions from a former AZ PSS

OP you are a good man. You will get back on tract. I was in pharma sales since 1983. I worked for AZ my last 11 years and retired last year at the age of 55. I saw many "wrong" things done at AZ and other companies. One thing you might want to do is join a charity Lions club...Cancer foundation and such...the reason one to help the charity but also many top business people in high places attend and they could hire you....good luck.

OK, this is the orginal poster here from above. I just want to say again. I never in my life imagined that I would be thrown out of AZ. I am reading this board and laughing. People are using the term safe and top tier sales rep. and meets expectations and all this chatter. I had all these things and was the training champion for my district/region. There are a number of factors that are being looked at right now. The reviews are a part of it yes, but the 6 attorneys that are working RIGHT NOW in Wilmington with Human Resources are also looking at age, race, sexual orientation and other factors that "limit AZ's potential to discrimination backlash" These attorneys get paid $200k a year to make sure that AZ does not get sued. My point is that no one is safe here. Your base salary is also an issue. They dont like high bases ! Lets face it folks, lets be honest here for a minute. Do you really think that working as a PSS for AZ from 10-4 daily and driving 80% of your day and maybe making one REAL sales call is worth $85k a year base plus a car and gas ? A college senior could do that job for $45k base. No disrespect but its true. I did it for almost a decade and it was a mix of very depressing, insanity inducing and very lucrative.

A large number of AZ sales reps will get cut. ( my guess is word will be given right before Thanksgiving as they did with me in 2008) (made me lose weight over the holidays, LOL)

And if you are lucky enough to make the 2011 cut, do you REALLY think that they wont do it again in 2012 and 2013 ? Cmon people wake up! I encourage you to get off the ship before it goes underwater. I dont want you to end up like me. It was a horrible and unexpected termination that left me shocked and unprepared. Cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars by now. Maybe $300k lost ?

OK, this is the orginal poster here from above. I just want to say again. I never in my life imagined that I would be thrown out of AZ. I am reading this board and laughing. People are using the term safe and top tier sales rep. and meets expectations and all this chatter. I had all these things and was the training champion for my district/region. There are a number of factors that are being looked at right now. The reviews are a part of it yes, but the 6 attorneys that are working RIGHT NOW in Wilmington with Human Resources are also looking at age, race, sexual orientation and other factors that "limit AZ's potential to discrimination backlash" These attorneys get paid $200k a year to make sure that AZ does not get sued. My point is that no one is safe here. Your base salary is also an issue. They dont like high bases ! Lets face it folks, lets be honest here for a minute. Do you really think that working as a PSS for AZ from 10-4 daily and driving 80% of your day and maybe making one REAL sales call is worth $85k a year base plus a car and gas ? A college senior could do that job for $45k base. No disrespect but its true. I did it for almost a decade and it was a mix of very depressing, insanity inducing and very lucrative.

A large number of AZ sales reps will get cut. ( my guess is word will be given right before Thanksgiving as they did with me in 2008) (made me lose weight over the holidays, LOL)

And if you are lucky enough to make the 2011 cut, do you REALLY think that they wont do it again in 2012 and 2013 ? Cmon people wake up! I encourage you to get off the ship before it goes underwater. I dont want you to end up like me. It was a horrible and unexpected termination that left me shocked and unprepared. Cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars by now. Maybe $300k lost ?

If they offer a self identify again. Take it.

Look for a new job before you leave as those who have jobs have an advantage over those who have none.

This is not the end of the cuts. The only management left will be the cronies of MT and RF and they'll likely be assholes. Bigger assholes than now, as they'll see their survival as a factor of their expertise, not their network.

If you get the opportunity to volunteer to take a package, DO IT!!!!!!
Especially if you are older and with quite a few years under your belt.......55yrs + 10years service, you get the healthcare after you initial 6 months coverage.....the premiums are very, very reasonable. AZ is was great to get out and uncover new possibilities! Life is good!!!!!

It is intersting to see that AZ has actively gone after college graduates with no sales experienece needed for a sales position. When we were hired on 10-15 years ago, they wouldn't even look at you unless you had some type of sales experience. This change in hiring behavior speaks volumes about the way this company now views this position.

It also speaks volumes about the skill set needed for this job today. They have dumbed the job down into scripted messaging off a computer. No need to understand the disease state or competition or talk to a physician on his level. That's why the job is so frustrating and boring and you have a hard time getting a job in device sales.

Sorry wrong! Ding ..ding..ding..the reason you cannot be hired in device is because the majority of PSS's like 90%, cannot sell! Wake up people. The deviceindustry needs salespeople , not rent a rep customer service catering dummies! WAKE UP!!

Sorry wrong! Ding ..ding..ding..the reason you cannot be hired in device is because the majority of PSS's like 90%, cannot sell! Wake up people. The deviceindustry needs salespeople , not rent a rep customer service catering dummies! WAKE UP!!

Wrong, most can be trained to sell. It's how our companies utilize us that is the issue. Besides, device sales is not any harder than any other type of sales.

Wrong, most can be trained to sell. It\'s how our companies utilize us that is the issue. Besides, device sales is not any harder than any other type of sales.

I have not done device sales, but have done previous sales jobs with tangible items prior to coming to Pharmaceuticals. The training is different and selling a tangible is far different. You know whether or not you got the sale. I also once sold Zolodex and you knew there as well. With Rx you might even beat up a prescriber and your DSM says you challenged him, job well done. Perhaps you even pissed the person off. You are selling a concept. That is not the same kind of selling. If you are a smart salesman you will gradually recognize what it takes, but you probably can\'t utilize those tools, at least not on ride alongs. Looking down through the years Pharma interaction guidelines have handicapped selling as well. Some was necessary, and other overboard.

I have not done device sales, but have done previous sales jobs with tangible items prior to coming to Pharmaceuticals. The training is different and selling a tangible is far different. You know whether or not you got the sale. I also once sold Zolodex and you knew there as well. With Rx you might even beat up a prescriber and your DSM says you challenged him, job well done. Perhaps you even pissed the person off. You are selling a concept. That is not the same kind of selling. If you are a smart salesman you will gradually recognize what it takes, but you probably can\'t utilize those tools, at least not on ride alongs. Looking down through the years Pharma interaction guidelines have handicapped selling as well. Some was necessary, and other overboard.

Pharma reps are tools of the brand team. AZ reps are "direct marketers" not direct sales like tangible device sales reps. There is debate and some confusion because AZ reps are called sales people. Some of the younger sales people have little direct selling experience. In the end, lots of smart people, but both different levels of customer engagement.

It's not pharma sales, it's buys.

You pay the big writers to have speeches, then the little guys see the big guy writing and it they write it. You buy the Rx, you don't sell it. Come on.

It's not pharma sales, it's buys.

You pay the big writers to have speeches, then the little guys see the big guy writing and it they write it. You buy the Rx, you don't sell it. Come on.

Thanks Skippy. So it is a quid pro quo? You pay big prescribers with bigger egos to be opinion leaders at dinner programs, then the herd mentality of primary docs write it because they need to hear of success from early adapters.

This is a neat. Now I have a plan to hit my Vimovo sales goals.

Pharma reps are tools of the brand team. AZ reps are "direct marketers" not direct sales like tangible device sales reps. There is debate and some confusion because AZ reps are called sales people. Some of the younger sales people have little direct selling experience. In the end, lots of smart people, but both different levels of customer engagement.

Well my manager sure wants me to move market share and we got us a gozillion reports to see where it's goin', so I would say it is more than marketing. Customer engagement, that's just a fancy word for a bunch-a-hooey. Every five to ten years it's called something else.

I must chime in here. I am a former pharma rep that recently landed a job in device sales. I can tell you from experience that it is much harder than any other type of sales. Not only do you need to know how to sell, but once you make a sale and a surgeon wants to use your products you have to go into the OR and cover the cases which means you better know your shit. Often times you get one chance to prove to a surgeon that you know what you are doing in device sales and if you fail you can basically cross them off the list and hope that you did not screw up so badly that they talk to their friends. It is more stressful than anything you could ever imagine in pharma sales. Most device companies will not consider pharma reps but it does happen. I had previous sales experience before pharma which helped me. I know of 3 other guys in my state that both have pharma experience and they are doing quite well.

Cmon ! Be real ! Do you really think an AZ PSS or any other pharma rep. is a sales position? It is NOT. You are a walking commercial. I did it for 10 years before I was thrown out of AZ (didnt work but 11-2) and it is low skill, low negotiation, low respect job.

With a due respect, why do pharma companies LOVE young, attractive women ? To get more time with doc. The pharma companies give more credit to looks than selling skills. Think about that, they cherish looks as much as selling skills.

You dont need to sell pharmaceuticals, its a shmooze job. I felt like a real loser catering lunches 3 times a week as a 35 year old man with a family.

You should feel like a thief......which you are for only working 3 hours a day while collecting full-time salary & benefits. And for 10 years!! A fine example of morality & ethics you set for your family pal.....but you yourself said it best; you're a loser.

You should feel like a thief......which you are for only working 3 hours a day while collecting full-time salary & benefits. And for 10 years!! A fine example of morality & ethics you set for your family pal.....but you yourself said it best; you're a loser.

Well, actually 4 hours. I spent an hour maiking up calls and then on the phone ordering Chinese food or pizza and trying to understand the guy on the other phone and tell him that I needed no MSG and sauce on the side for Dr. Miller cause he will be mad if sauce is on his chow mein.. The days of pharma are done, toast, over, bye bye..

You should feel like a thief......which you are for only working 3 hours a day while collecting full-time salary & benefits. And for 10 years!! A fine example of morality & ethics you set for your family pal.....but you yourself said it best; you're a loser.

You tend to lose sight of ethics after working for AZ for a while. Off label promotions, years of fines and Corporate Integrity Agreements with the government. Terrible management that uses fear to motivate. Once AZ starts acting ethically then I will. Otherwise fuck them. Oh, and I have worked here for 15 years, 5 of which I worked part time for another medical company. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

You tend to lose sight of ethics after working for AZ for a while. Off label promotions, years of fines and Corporate Integrity Agreements with the government. Terrible management that uses fear to motivate. Once AZ starts acting ethically then I will. Otherwise fuck them. Oh, and I have worked here for 15 years, 5 of which I worked part time for another medical company. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

What do you mean another medical company? You must be referring to AZ as a medical company, don't you want to rethink that one?

AZ is more of a legal / marketing company than anything else.

What a lousy thing to be thrown out of a company after putting in years and hard labor to develop a territory. I don't know if this will help, but let me share my story.

I grew up in the east L.A. area (by the way, I'm white). My parents were always verbally and physically abusive. My neighbors knew it and my teachers knew it. No one helped me. When I got bigger (grew to 6' tall), my parents decided to solicit the help of my high school (in Baldwin Park). Dear old mom went to the high school counselor (short guy) and told him some lies about how I was verbally and physically abusive with them at home. Instead of doing any type of counseling, he decided to join in. He brought me into his office and hit me with the board and sent me to class. Then he came to my math class to try and embarrass me by saying I was crying. The class laughed until I got up to tell everyone I bent over and told the counselor to kiss my a**. I told the counselor if he wanted a piece of me I was ready now. Then I told the counselor other things to piss him off. The math teacher told the counselor to leave and I chased him out of the class (I expected to be expelled but wasn't). The counselor, in front of everyone, said he would do everything he could to make sure I never graduate. The math teacher did nothing, but the counselor kept his word. I had teachers on my ass all the time, including the math teacher. One teacher (part time Sheriff) put a gun to my head in the middle of class. The counselor did everything he could to make sure I never graduated but he failed. I kept fighting back, with everyone. I did graduate (not a great GPA) but I had a poor image of education. No one guided me through the steps of enrolling in college. I signed up for a couple of classes, but I couldn't figure things out. Someone told me that I needed to meet with the counselor. Flashback to high school! No thanks. I dropped out. For many years, I continued to go through bad times, more guns to my head, living in a tent, unbelievable things people don't realize goes on out in the real world. At 19, I finally got a crappy job as a delivery driver...for a medical supply company. I learned the industry and kept working hard hoping to crawl out of a dark place. I eventually became a medical sales rep (no degree) and then a sales manager for a medical supply company. Life took me for another ride in 1990 and I had to leave that part of the industry, but another door opened up for me to become an Independent Rep for medical sales. Of course I was scared, but I had grown up with the attitude of never give up, no matter how bad things get. I had a wife and 3 little children to feed. I wasn't going to let them down. I left for work early and came home late. Eventually, I became the top sales rep, took on additional product lines and am very happy that I accidentally found this industry. I am now 56 years old and looking at dropping all my old lines and starting over with new product lines. It's awkward, but I think necessary. I don't plan to fail.

I hope that no matter how hard your job gets, continue to believe in yourself. You are in a wonderful industry and, as far as I am concerned, the hardest part is over. You have many avenues you can take. Many of you have degrees and are much smarter than I am. If I can survive in this industry I know you can too.

Good luck and best wishes to all of you.