Conf. call with JF


Prediction: JF will tell us how fair everything was, how hard the manager worked, how important selling our drugs are to patients and he will probably through in a sports analogy.

Prediction: JF will tell us how fair everything was, how hard the manager worked, how important selling our drugs are to patients and he will probably through in a sports analogy.

OP here..Now that JF is gone I don't wish him any ill will. I'm glad he found a position as I do not wish hardship on anyone's family, especially considering that I and many of my friends may be in a tough position ourselves soon. Yeah bad grammar in know, I'm a salesman not an english prof.

Glad JF has a way to make a living going forward as he has a family to support. JF liked to hear himself speak and create reports. When people can't lead the default action is to organize data. JF was a data master even though most of the data he mastered was worthless. He was smart to leave the industry.

My perspective...Other than LC, JF spoke more words and said less than anyone I ever listened to at Eisai. He has a tendency to talk down to people. I don't know if he realizes it. He might want to work on that on his next carreer. It will help him if he does.

what industry did he go to?

Some type of medical services company outside of pharma. Frankly I don't really care.

I never had the urge to speak to his pompous ass at a meeting about anything and I am just glad his busy work and BS "expectations" have hit the road with him. We get enough stupid paperwork from NJ without him piling more shit on.

Deserved or not, honestly, when KW left eisai I figured he'd fill that roll. Guess not.

I just figured JF would get the nod because he was the only non-MGI RD with some experience. And no, I am not from MGI. Just a point, it surprised me and the way he interacted with Sr. Mgmt, I am surpprised he didn't stick it out. They will keep 2 RDs in Onc and two of the current four are newbies.

Deserved or not, honestly, when KW left eisai I figured he'd fill that roll. Guess not.

I just figured JF would get the nod because he was the only non-MGI RD with some experience. And no, I am not from MGI. Just a point, it surprised me and the way he interacted with Sr. Mgmt, I am surpprised he didn't stick it out. They will keep 2 RDs in Onc and two of the current four are newbies.

I just figured JF would get the nod because he was the only non-MGI RD with some experience. And no, I am not from MGI. Just a point, it surprised me and the way he interacted with Sr. Mgmt, I am surpprised he didn't stick it out. They will keep 2 RDs in Onc and two of the current four are newbies.

JF had no chance to make it through the downsizing and he knew it. From everyone I spoke to he was ripped to shreads on the last survey and deservedly so.

In addition to his useless paperwork and over analysis his "EXPECTATIONS" included that each rep would have 4 lunch and learns per week. Pretty neat trick when you are only calling on 30 accounts. Yeah, most offices would have no problem with you doing @ LUNCHES PER MONTH!! Get real John.

And I completely agree with the posted who said I have never heard someone talk for so long and say absolutely nothing.