Conf Call Tomorrow...The beginning of the end

Ive heard of three different calls. Managers on manager specific call, Team 1 reps on call "Strativa Update 3" and Team 2 reps on call "Strativa Update 4" all calls at 9:30-10:00 and reps spread across South Region.

I just talked to another Team 2 rep and they are on a differnet call than me, I am call 3 and they are call 4. Could they be moving us around between teams? Expanding? Layoffs?

I have heard Managers are on Update 1&2 call, while reps are on Update 3&4. I thought team 1 was on update 3, but several team 2 members are on update call 3 also. My theory does not hold water. I hope nobody loses their job during this economy, but I think we all saw this coming. Why would you make such a big deal out a quarterly inventory and not let us record calls or give out samples for two days. Very convenient way of pulling this off. I am a little scared, but I will survive. I will be praying for us all.

Looks like 3 is good and 4 is bad...or they could be switching reps teams for realignment. I also heard our fearless Sales Ops leader, MS, got the boot at the end of the week.

in response to post 15...was that top rep for q1 and q2 in your territory actually putting up trx volume for products?...Or were they in a low volume territory that increased by 1's and 2's as far as trx's but big mkt share percentages bc of it?

If they let people go tomorrow, the 29th, which is two days before the end of the quarter, do you get your bonus you earned for the quarter? If not, what a shitty way to save even more $.