I've been a PST at Rotech for a few years now. Fortunately, I've never been put in that situation. All of our concentrators at the warehouse analyze above 92%. When they stop working properly, we send them back to our transfill. Nowadays, getting more concentrators is an issue with the new policies, but we've been fortunate so far.
Anyway, I don't care what your superiors had to say about the situation. You didn't take care of your patient properly. Do you know what problems can arise when someone's o2 level isn't what it should be? Worst case, they could have a heart attack or a stroke.
You should have reported this to someone. If your LCM or AM didn't care, then you should have contacted the pt's insurance company, their doctor, SOMEONE. People don't have concentrators in their homes for decoration...their lives depend on it!
It's bad enough that PSTs now have to repossess concentrators from patients who need them because they aren't billing for some reason or another. But to leave a broken concentrator on a patient that is billing is inexcusable. It seems you have a career in Rotech management ahead of you, assuming the company survives long enough.