Complete Nonsense "Project"-Oriented Culture

Agreed, projects are ridiculous. This is a socialistic company through and through. The only time sales results matter is when it comes to annual raises. Having rock star numbers compared to crappy number means the difference of a whopping 3-4% raise versus 1-2% raise. Having rock star numbers DOES NOT earn you platinum performer. It also doesn’t earn you bigger bonuses, since you have to share half of your percent to,plan with the other members in your district. if you are a top performer, your performance is watered down to lift your district, area and the nation. Crazy thing is, that performance doesn’t help with getting a promotion. ONLY thing (in Diabetes) that earns you platinum performer or a promotion to executive rep. or Senior Sales Rep. are stupid, non sensical, duplicative, non revenue generating ass kissing “projects” Then, if things don’t get even more ridiculous, the areas’ s Managers all vote on your “impact” that you’ve made to the area to determine if you get a promotion. Swear to God, I couldn’t make this scenario up if I tried. The system breeds laziness and does not reward top performers.

Agreed, projects are ridiculous. This is a socialistic company through and through. The only time sales results matter is when it comes to annual raises. Having rock star numbers compared to crappy number means the difference of a whopping 3-4% raise versus 1-2% raise. Having rock star numbers DOES NOT earn you platinum performer. It also doesn’t earn you bigger bonuses, since you have to share half of your percent to,plan with the other members in your district. if you are a top performer, your performance is watered down to lift your district, area and the nation. Crazy thing is, that performance doesn’t help with getting a promotion. ONLY thing (in Diabetes) that earns you platinum performer or a promotion to executive rep. or Senior Sales Rep. are stupid, non sensical, duplicative, non revenue generating ass kissing “projects” Then, if things don’t get even more ridiculous, the areas’ s Managers all vote on your “impact” that you’ve made to the area to determine if you get a promotion. Swear to God, I couldn’t make this scenario up if I tried. The system breeds laziness and does not reward top performers.

It’s not a sales organization, too afraid to be caught by the government or viewed by society as actually selling/promoting something. If you are ok with that then this place is ok; people who live to “eat what they kill” should find another gig.