Complete Nonsense "Project"-Oriented Culture


How is it that management is so clueless with their rankings and promotions in this company? How come the top sellers: the top performers who are out doing their jobs, get shafted while those who take on the "office supply closet reorganization project" and the Relay for Life get the highest rankings and promotions while sitting on their asses?

We have a jackass on our team who likes to solicit fake inspire recognitions. He writes them himself, and asks other people to submit them on his behalf. And this douchebag will be recognized at awards night. What a joke!!

Yes thats the Lilly culture. We have someone on our team who won this years presidents council award. Her numbers were great because her partner was working her a— off. She on the other hand was at the gym at 3:30 and attending her kids school events in the morning. The manager loves her and created extra projects so now she is seen as a superstar and will probably get promoted next year. What a joke.

We had a girl get promoted with bottom half numbers for the last couple of years. But she did some stupid national project that got her what she needed to get Executive.

How is it that management is so clueless with their rankings and promotions in this company? How come the top sellers: the top performers who are out doing their jobs, get shafted while those who take on the "office supply closet reorganization project" and the Relay for Life get the highest rankings and promotions while sitting on their asses?

Welcome to the odd culture Lilly!

We had a girl get promoted with bottom half numbers for the last couple of years. But she did some stupid national project that got her what she needed to get Executive.
We had a guy on our team that had been a Senior Sales Rep. for 20 years and our new manager came up with some bogus project for him to do to get promoted to Executive Sales Rep. This is CONSISTENT and RIDICULOUS!

its a crap system but they don’t know any other way. It’s systemic. Look on the bright side you can just coast by and work 20 hours a week no one cares. This place is great for middle of the pack achieving folks. May be best job ever for a good side hustle.

Because of this crazy "Projects over Performance" culture I am officially looking for a new job. Can't stand it here. I've been here exactly 1 year and this place is just awful. People talk behind each others back SOOOO much here too.

Because of this crazy "Projects over Performance" culture I am officially looking for a new job. Can't stand it here. I've been here exactly 1 year and this place is just awful. People talk behind each others back SOOOO much here too.
Same. Manager completely inappropriate. Compliance here we come. I actually left a truly performance based company who valued integrity. I am being paid the same as the low life’s on my team. I see my peers with pitiful, pitiful performance and it’s disgusting. Like not even paying their gas bills with performance- BUT they make up BS projects to ensure they get rewarded to next level?!? Good grief. This is a sales organization. Don’t promote projects that don’t execute sales. Those sales that pitifully not warranting even their fuel bill. Don’t get me started on the NFCs who are desperately trying to justify their job. We all know they have NO IMPACT. They rely on reps to do their jobs. Can’t even access account level contacts. PATHETIC.

Just make up a worthless project to try and justify your job. Don’t worry about performance and impact. Good grief. This is a sales team. We all get paid the same whether you suck and get 2 scripts a week or you’re killing it. I’m out. I don’t deserve to get the paid as the bottom feeder reps or NFCs. I will voice names and specifics on the way out- Including my managers name and compliance violations. She will go bye bye

Sales job but sales don’t matter for promotions or awards anymore. It’s gotten out of control. People just creating crap projects that don’t benefit sales. Reps jumping on every other team call to discuss what they’re doing (which is always exactly what everyone else is doing) to show “impact”.

Sales job but sales don’t matter for promotions or awards anymore. It’s gotten out of control. People just creating crap projects that don’t benefit sales. Reps jumping on every other team call to discuss what they’re doing (which is always exactly what everyone else is doing) to show “impact”.

I thought this project nonsense was exclusive to AstraZeneca! It’s pretty bad at AZ.