
Does anyone have insight on working for competitors? Are things better at the below companies:

Things are better at the companies above because they’re not firing anyone during the holiday season. Their products are new, they’re launching new products, or will launch soon. They’re “Gaining” market share from Galderma. The culture is much better. Leadership is much better. They care about their employees.

Galderma was once a powerful company, greed killed it because they lost focus on taking care of their most important customer, their people. Now that they’ve lost focus on taking care of their salespeople, their salespeople has lost focus on taking care of their customers. Unless Galderma leadership changes, theyre fkd in the long run.

Things are better at the companies above because they’re not firing anyone during the holiday season. Their products are new, they’re launching new products, or will launch soon. They’re “Gaining” market share from Galderma. The culture is much better. Leadership is much better. They care about their employees.

Galderma was once a powerful company, greed killed it because they lost focus on taking care of their most important customer, their people. Now that they’ve lost focus on taking care of their salespeople, their salespeople has lost focus on taking care of their customers. Unless Galderma leadership changes, theyre fkd in the long run.
Everyone who was laid off or had a horrible experience working here should write reviews on Google and Glassdoor. Help others so they don’t make the mistake we made. I have been here nearly five years and the last four have been the worst. Be honest and talk about the leadership and how they are all full of shit.

Does anyone have insight on working for competitors? Are things better at the below companies:
All the above companies are better because they are not as toxic as Galderma. Galderma is the worst of the worst in the industry with the most inept and horrendous leadership.

Stay away from Revance, I left after a year because the culture is shit. Sell at any cost, tell people info that’s inaccurate, basically we were setup to lie then retract our statements. Super high pressure, I don’t think anyone is still there who originally started the company because they treat you like shit.

Does anyone have insight on working for competitors? Are things better at the below companies:
Galderma and Revance to be avoided. Toxic culture, high pressure, low reward and it’s all about the very short term where associates are treated like disposable items. The rest are OK.

Stay away from Prollenium. Worked there for 5 years, made them a lot of money and was treated like garbage by the executive director. They find ways to not pay your full commission (unless you let your director grab your ass at the NSM and don’t complain, then you will be good as gold because he will protect you). They ask you to do weird stuff as there’s lot of pressure to sell and there’s only two products in our bags (in reality, just one) and when HR finds out they pretend they didn’t know and blame you. You are not allowed to speak to HR or fight back when they threaten you. Stick with Allergan or Evolus.

Stay away from Prollenium. Worked there for 5 years, made them a lot of money and was treated like garbage by the executive director. They find ways to not pay your full commission (unless you let your director grab your ass at the NSM and don’t complain, then you will be good as gold because he will protect you). They ask you to do weird stuff as there’s lot of pressure to sell and there’s only two products in our bags (in reality, just one) and when HR finds out they pretend they didn’t know and blame you. You are not allowed to speak to HR or fight back when they threaten you. Stick with Allergan or Evolus.

Versa is getting the rights to sell the latest FDA approved toxin Leyteybo. It will be dirt cheap and it’s a good toxin. Prollineum is geared up to take a good bit of market share as they are positioned as the low cost option and filler and toxin are commodities at this point. No doubt Galderma needs to get aquired because filler and toxin are like water and eggs. People don’t care about brand anymore. That’s the crap they keep feeding you. These products have all ran their course and the end of the rainbow has arrived.

Versa is getting the rights to sell the latest FDA approved toxin Leyteybo. It will be dirt cheap and it’s a good toxin. Prollineum is geared up to take a good bit of market share as they are positioned as the low cost option and filler and toxin are commodities at this point. No doubt Galderma needs to get aquired because filler and toxin are like water and eggs. People don’t care about brand anymore. That’s the crap they keep feeding you. These products have all ran their course and the end of the rainbow has arrived.

I heard they did not get the deal to sell letybo as the koreans did not like the mess they saw with versa - too much off-label promotion, shady deals, horrible management, backstabbing reps, and the list goes on. It’s so bad that the fda did not approve there new filler product…. After they had the nsm to launch it. Will be an even bigger mess now without new products.
Versa team is now lowering the prices just like we did at galderma.letybo would only go with prous if they are totally desperate.

I heard they did not get the deal to sell letybo as the koreans did not like the mess they saw with versa - too much off-label promotion, shady deals, horrible management, backstabbing reps, and the list goes on. It’s so bad that the fda did not approve there new filler product…. After they had the nsm to launch it. Will be an even bigger mess now without new products.
Versa team is now lowering the prices just like we did at galderma.letybo would only go with prous if they are totally desperate.
You are very misinformed and your grammar sucks. “There” vs “Their”

Stay away from Prollenium. Worked there for 5 years, made them a lot of money and was treated like garbage by the executive director. They find ways to not pay your full commission (unless you let your director grab your ass at the NSM and don’t complain, then you will be good as gold because he will protect you). They ask you to do weird stuff as there’s lot of pressure to sell and there’s only two products in our bags (in reality, just one) and when HR finds out they pretend they didn’t know and blame you. You are not allowed to speak to HR or fight back when they threaten you. Stick with Allergan or Evolus.

Everyone at Prollenium knows who the author of this post is. If you w

Ooooooooh i’m so scared. You know who I am. Yes, i am one of the many reps who left because you are shady. You promise territories and then turn around and give it to your chosen ones. You take commission away from reps so your buddy boy gets more money, you promote off-label and forbids everyone to report… shall I go on? Why don’t you share turnover rates so reps know what it is like to work at prollenium. You suck!

Versa folks, please take your bickering to your own thread or elsewhere. Let us focus on complaining about our own problems. And thanks for airing your dirty laundry….. hmmmm maybe keep doing it here.