Otezla rep as well. We are all looking, not because we want to leave but because it's pretty clear that we are toast. BMY wants our dermatology platform, not our rheumatology one. If we do survive, we get plugged into a metrics driven, reach and frequency model that still believes speaker programs drive business
They are making a mistake. Think about it. For the past 5 years I have had a product that
barely works
had zero commercial coverage the first 4 years
has zero trade support
has a dysfunctional, even harmful HUB
a non existant medical center strategy (since we launched 5 classes of residents/fellows have graduated not knowing a thing about Otezla)
and I have won 5 PAs. That's not a fluke. I can sell.
Dermatology has had it easy.
Imagine if I could sell Sky and have at launch:
99% commercial coverage
100% Medicare coverage
100% Medicaid coverage whether managed or FFS
100% Tricare coverage
100% VA coverage
an ally as a HUB
unlimited Congress and Society presence
unlimited support of academic medical centers
a coherent IDN strategy
I would be number one with Sky start to finish
meanwhile, we weren't even allowed to bring up the merger at our meeting
They are making a mistake. Think about it. For the past 5 years I have had a product that
barely works
had zero commercial coverage the first 4 years
has zero trade support
has a dysfunctional, even harmful HUB
a non existant medical center strategy (since we launched 5 classes of residents/fellows have graduated not knowing a thing about Otezla)
and I have won 5 PAs. That's not a fluke. I can sell.
Dermatology has had it easy.
Imagine if I could sell Sky and have at launch:
99% commercial coverage
100% Medicare coverage
100% Medicaid coverage whether managed or FFS
100% Tricare coverage
100% VA coverage
an ally as a HUB
unlimited Congress and Society presence
unlimited support of academic medical centers
a coherent IDN strategy
I would be number one with Sky start to finish
meanwhile, we weren't even allowed to bring up the merger at our meeting