Company Phones


How is everyone handling the stupid company phones?
I’ve received about a dozen calls and texts so far today (including from my manager) and not one has been on my company phone. Part of me wants to decline and ignore them all since Novartis is no longer paying for my personal phone, but the reality is I’m a salesperson at heart so getting things done is more important to me. I’m definitely not going to waste a call in any of my offices giving them a new phone number, but I’m kind of surprised no one is using them for internal business.
Is anyone using these things? In my region and area it sure seems like they aren’t.

How is everyone handling the stupid company phones?
I’ve received about a dozen calls and texts so far today (including from my manager) and not one has been on my company phone. Part of me wants to decline and ignore them all since Novartis is no longer paying for my personal phone, but the reality is I’m a salesperson at heart so getting things done is more important to me. I’m definitely not going to waste a call in any of my offices giving them a new phone number, but I’m kind of surprised no one is using them for internal business.
Is anyone using these things? In my region and area it sure seems like they aren’t.

My ABL is slowly getting the team to use the phone for our group texts and teams calls

How is everyone handling the stupid company phones?
I’ve received about a dozen calls and texts so far today (including from my manager) and not one has been on my company phone. Part of me wants to decline and ignore them all since Novartis is no longer paying for my personal phone, but the reality is I’m a salesperson at heart so getting things done is more important to me. I’m definitely not going to waste a call in any of my offices giving them a new phone number, but I’m kind of surprised no one is using them for internal business.
Is anyone using these things? In my region and area it sure seems like they aren’t.

Why would you be complaining about this? You should be happy that your manager Is still reaching out to you on your own phone. I’m willing to pay for my cell phone and not have to get a new phone. You sound foolish.

Why would you be complaining about this? You should be happy that your manager Is still reaching out to you on your own phone. I’m willing to pay for my cell phone and not have to get a new phone. You sound foolish.

Compliance. All.of this happened for a reason. The era of personal phone communication is supposed to be over.

Why would you be complaining about this? You should be happy that your manager Is still reaching out to you on your own phone. I’m willing to pay for my cell phone and not have to get a new phone. You sound foolish.
Because if Novartis isn’t willing to reimburse me for the phone (and many years of pharma contacts I have in it) they shouldn’t expect to use my phone to contact me. Also, we’ve already been required to get a new phone and carry it.
You sound like you miss the point a lot.

Because if Novartis isn’t willing to reimburse me for the phone (and many years of pharma contacts I have in it) they shouldn’t expect to use my phone to contact me. Also, we’ve already been required to get a new phone and carry it.
You sound like you miss the point a lot.
Pharma contacts. That’s funny.

How is everyone handling the stupid company phones?
I’ve received about a dozen calls and texts so far today (including from my manager) and not one has been on my company phone. Part of me wants to decline and ignore them all since Novartis is no longer paying for my personal phone, but the reality is I’m a salesperson at heart so getting things done is more important to me. I’m definitely not going to waste a call in any of my offices giving them a new phone number, but I’m kind of surprised no one is using them for internal business.
Is anyone using these things? In my region and area it sure seems like they aren’t.

If selling is your thing, why are you in this industry?

Thanks for the laughs.

How is everyone handling the stupid company phones?
I’ve received about a dozen calls and texts so far today (including from my manager) and not one has been on my company phone. Part of me wants to decline and ignore them all since Novartis is no longer paying for my personal phone, but the reality is I’m a salesperson at heart so getting things done is more important to me. I’m definitely not going to waste a call in any of my offices giving them a new phone number, but I’m kind of surprised no one is using them for internal business.
Is anyone using these things? In my region and area it sure seems like they aren’t.
Nice being able to use the company phone for the dating and kinky apps.

Because if Novartis isn’t willing to reimburse me for the phone (and many years of pharma contacts I have in it) they shouldn’t expect to use my phone to contact me. Also, we’ve already been required to get a new phone and carry it.
You sound like you miss the point a lot.
Why would you want to use the company phone? Your manager is doing you a favor by continuing to contact you via your old phone. I hope mine chooses to do the same. I want nothing more than to keep this new phone sitting in my house or maybe sitting in airplane mode in my car.

Why would you want to use the company phone? Your manager is doing you a favor by continuing to contact you via your old phone. I hope mine chooses to do the same. I want nothing more than to keep this new phone sitting in my house or maybe sitting in airplane mode in my car.
Well I don’t. That’s the point. But I also don’t think Novartis needs my personal phone number if they aren’t willing to reimburse me for it. Mine is in airplane mode in my car most of the time though, since I’ve found no one is ever going to contact me on it.

Why would you want to use the company phone? Your manager is doing you a favor by continuing to contact you via your old phone. I hope mine chooses to do the same. I want nothing more than to keep this new phone sitting in my house or maybe sitting in airplane mode in my car.
My laptop makes me feel healthy. Thank you Dez. I haven't been this healthy in years.

Well I don’t. That’s the point. But I also don’t think Novartis needs my personal phone number if they aren’t willing to reimburse me for it. Mine is in airplane mode in my car most of the time though, since I’ve found no one is ever going to contact me on it.
Ok tough anonymous guy. You’ll bend over for your boss once he gives you the command.

Ok tough anonymous guy. You’ll bend over for your boss once he gives you the command.

Haven’t used it once. 2 cell phones complicate things.
Laptop either. I really wonder if anyone within the company is analyzing usage to see ROI. I’d like to be in the room when they do and know the total cost that was spent on these things. Could have been better spent and resulted in a more motivated sales force in IC payout. Or accurate data.

Laptop either. I really wonder if anyone within the company is analyzing usage to see ROI. I’d like to be in the room when they do and know the total cost that was spent on these things. Could have been better spent and resulted in a more motivated sales force in IC payout. Or accurate data.
It is a mistake Dez could never bring himself to admit. When they come to the conclusion that even the ABL's don't use the phones they'll just read them the riot act and force them to track our utilization.
They don't see a problem with the completely broken I.C. plan, and Dez can't score a kickback from his buddies if he doesn't contract for a bunch of pointless laptops.

Laptop either. I really wonder if anyone within the company is analyzing usage to see ROI. I’d like to be in the room when they do and know the total cost that was spent on these things. Could have been better spent and resulted in a more motivated sales force in IC payout. Or accurate data.
It's a sales job. If you don't make quota, you don't make commission, regardless of how unattainable. The company doesn't owe it to you- you make a base salary.

It's a sales job. If you don't make quota, you don't make commission, regardless of how unattainable. The company doesn't owe it to you- you make a base salary.
You mean like the entresto reps last year. That blew out the stretch goal by a couple hundred million dollars and less than 1% of the reps got full bonus, but they gave themselves 145% bonus payout since it was such a great year. Novartis sets the goal. They can set them to pay us or not pay us. It isn't rocket science. I have a big volume territory for both products what Novartis gets paid on, but regularly get a smaller bonus than someone doing half or a quarter the volume. It has nothing to do with selling and everything to do with number manipulation.

It's a sales job. If you don't make quota, you don't make commission, regardless of how unattainable. The company doesn't owe it to you- you make a base salary.
You mean like my Leqvio volume that carries my whole Area, but just gives me an ok bonus even though I’ve built the largest volume territory in the region?

It's a sales job. If you don't make quota, you don't make commission, regardless of how unattainable. The company doesn't owe it to you- you make a base salary.
Since you have it all figured out, explain how a Leqvio lead hits their territory quota.
Wait, they don't have one.
They never have, and they probably never will.
One thing you got right - Novartis has no interest in paying reps a bonus.