Company Organizational Leadership Development

The company is better off without the whiner crew. Good luck! Sorry you are so bitter. It won't help you in your next job. Im guessing most of these idiotic comments are supposed to be constructive feedback.. Yeah OK. Its just a broken sucks bla bla bla.

I guarantee this poster works in Operations or Logistics. I have heard these weak comebacks a bunch from the supervisors in those areas. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, and blaming all the people that recently quit or the good people that were quietly fired for speaking up- you look like the idiot, not them

I used to wake up every morning and check out some good porn on the internet to get my day started, now all I do is read this website...

Please keep tuning in and tell your friends.

I don’t work at Acumed but I have used all of these postings for an university essay on examples of poor management. I have researched Acumed’s performance, interviewed people who used to work there (subordinate and management levels) and talked with placement agencies who have Acumed on a “do not work with list.”

Ultimately what it comes down to is weak minded management. What I mean by this is that the people in management and leadership positions are threatened by subordinates who are quote on quote- lower ranked. If the leaders had some sort of common sense, they would listen to their employee’s constructive criticism instead of calling them the “Whiner Crew.”

The posters who have not justifiably defended Acumed’s leadership on this board have basically advertised all of Acumed’s weaknesses to my college course, Acumed’s competitors, and to a poster who has passed up good porn - word of mouth spreads like wild fire.
Unless Acumed gets some sort of control, the company will never bounce back from this negative image.
***only an opinion***

Please keep tuning in and tell your friends.

I don’t work at Acumed but I have used all of these postings for an university essay on examples of poor management. I have researched Acumed’s performance, interviewed people who used to work there (subordinate and management levels) and talked with placement agencies who have Acumed on a “do not work with list.”

Ultimately what it comes down to is weak minded management. What I mean by this is that the people in management and leadership positions are threatened by subordinates who are quote on quote- lower ranked. If the leaders had some sort of common sense, they would listen to their employee’s constructive criticism instead of calling them the “Whiner Crew.”

The posters who have not justifiably defended Acumed’s leadership on this board have basically advertised all of Acumed’s weaknesses to my college course, Acumed’s competitors, and to a poster who has passed up good porn - word of mouth spreads like wild fire.
Unless Acumed gets some sort of control, the company will never bounce back from this negative image.
***only an opinion***

Thanks Professor. No go back to toking on your pipe while wearing your corderoy sports coat.

There are great leaders at Acumed at the moment, just not at the higher positions. Certainly you see that the anonymous posters here have degree of good inside information and I can tell you that those critical of CJ and JR are spot on in their analysis.

BJ has the opportunity to make the necessary changes but the window of opportunity is slowly closing. The good people mentioned earlier in this message are preparing their departure with the thought of Acumed not being able to make necessary change. Once the domino's start falling it will create a ripple effect that Acumed will have no chance of recovering from.

Professor when the pendulum swings and the positive changes are made, your ass needs to return to speak on how Acumed's blueprint of success has brought us the heights we will have ascended to at that point.

Until then, sit on the sidelines and take your notes. Because as it is said, those that cannot do, teach. Players make plays. And I can bet you've never made a real play or have been a legitimate winner.

Thanks Professor. No go back to toking on your pipe while wearing your corderoy sports coat.

There are great leaders at Acumed at the moment, just not at the higher positions. Certainly you see that the anonymous posters here have degree of good inside information and I can tell you that those critical of CJ and JR are spot on in their analysis.

BJ has the opportunity to make the necessary changes but the window of opportunity is slowly closing. The good people mentioned earlier in this message are preparing their departure with the thought of Acumed not being able to make necessary change. Once the domino's start falling it will create a ripple effect that Acumed will have no chance of recovering from.

Professor when the pendulum swings and the positive changes are made, your ass needs to return to speak on how Acumed's blueprint of success has brought us the heights we will have ascended to at that point.

Until then, sit on the sidelines and take your notes. Because as it is said, those that cannot do, teach. Players make plays. And I can bet you've never made a real play or have been a legitimate winner.

Never said I was a professor, just a student making observations on companies who do not have any control. Your defensive response proves the point of my essay, you are threatened cause you are weak minded.
Did you ever consider the fact that Acumed’s bad reputation has been spread out because of the poor management? I don’t see any negative postings on your competition such as Stryker. “Players make plays” very true and so far the only plays Acumed has made are posted all over the industry as examples of poor leadership. Your “pendulum” comment holds water, however why did the pendulum swing so far to the negative side of things in the first place?

PS- don’t let a college student’s opinion ruin your whole day. Prove to people you are not so weak minded. Grow a backbone and accept the criticism. Surely you can do that!

I will do you a huge favor and not respond again, you can have the last word. Anything to help out the weak minded, consider it a gift. Hope you will feel better about yourself.

Never said I was a professor, just a student making observations on companies who do not have any control. Your defensive response proves the point of my essay, you are threatened cause you are weak minded.
Did you ever consider the fact that Acumed’s bad reputation has been spread out because of the poor management? I don’t see any negative postings on your competition such as Stryker. “Players make plays” very true and so far the only plays Acumed has made are posted all over the industry as examples of poor leadership. Your “pendulum” comment holds water, however why did the pendulum swing so far to the negative side of things in the first place?

PS- don’t let a college student’s opinion ruin your whole day. Prove to people you are not so weak minded. Grow a backbone and accept the criticism. Surely you can do that!

I will do you a huge favor and not respond again, you can have the last word. Anything to help out the weak minded, consider it a gift. Hope you will feel better about yourself.

Quite the cowardly and little boyish way to exit the conversation with hopes of not being clowned. I am positive that your polished "rage quit" was honed from hours on XBOX.

Let's take a look at your uneducated and obvious lack of experience in the industry that many of us have made a home since long before your mother decided it was a good idea to not let pops pull out and spring you into the world and onto her tit.

These boards all have negative commentary, hence the fact that people post anonymously. Take a read, add it to your homework young boy.

I've worked for Stryker in the past and Arthrex as well. In direct field sales for both and reached management for Stryker. There are many problems within the branches of Stryker management. Plenty to rant about if I decided to take the time.

There isn't a perfect company and Acumed has it's issues. The difference and positive with Acumed versus Stryker, Zimmer, Smith and Nephew is that being smaller and more maneuverable, you can make changes faster while recovery is easier.

You have no background or experience in this industry. Do us all a favor and take this advice, spend your college time chasing tail and having a great experience. Because when you get into the real world, son, you will have to actually live and succeed where it isn't "everyone receives a trophy" type of treatment.
I guarantee that you will get your a$$ kicked in daily. Especially if you decide to work in our industry. You do not have the stones to stand in an OR when things go sideways.

I will let you have this sink in some. In the future try talking from a position of experience and not your professors presentations and regurgitated teachings in your required reading.

Mom should have slapped you upside the head more instead of sitting you on the steps for your time out. Boy.

Quite the cowardly and little boyish way to exit the conversation with hopes of not being clowned. I am positive that your polished "rage quit" was honed from hours on XBOX.

Let's take a look at your uneducated and obvious lack of experience in the industry that many of us have made a home since long before your mother decided it was a good idea to not let pops pull out and spring you into the world and onto her tit.

These boards all have negative commentary, hence the fact that people post anonymously. Take a read, add it to your homework young boy.

I've worked for Stryker in the past and Arthrex as well. In direct field sales for both and reached management for Stryker. There are many problems within the branches of Stryker management. Plenty to rant about if I decided to take the time.

There isn't a perfect company and Acumed has it's issues. The difference and positive with Acumed versus Stryker, Zimmer, Smith and Nephew is that being smaller and more maneuverable, you can make changes faster while recovery is easier.

You have no background or experience in this industry. Do us all a favor and take this advice, spend your college time chasing tail and having a great experience. Because when you get into the real world, son, you will have to actually live and succeed where it isn't "everyone receives a trophy" type of treatment.
I guarantee that you will get your a$$ kicked in daily. Especially if you decide to work in our industry. You do not have the stones to stand in an OR when things go sideways.

I will let you have this sink in some. In the future try talking from a position of experience and not your professors presentations and regurgitated teachings in your required reading.

Mom should have slapped you upside the head more instead of sitting you on the steps for your time out. Boy.

Hey idiot, you did exactly what this posted wanted you to do.
You didn’t clown the poster, you just clowned yourself. The comments have nothing to do with experience in the industry, it has to do with being weak minded and not being able to demonstrate control.
Don’t you realize that by responding you helped the poster prove the point? You like the confrontation don’t you? You need this type of confrontation in order to function. You are indeed weak minded

And why do you keep making assumptions about the poster. You were wrong on the poster being a professor what makes you think he is a young boy?
I will give you this you have experience but so do typewriters. Typewriters are now a thing of the past and you will be to. After reading the college kid’s post, I think people would rather take him in the driver’s seat over you.

Hey idiot, you did exactly what this posted wanted you to do.
You didn’t clown the poster, you just clowned yourself. The comments have nothing to do with experience in the industry, it has to do with being weak minded and not being able to demonstrate control.
Don’t you realize that by responding you helped the poster prove the point? You like the confrontation don’t you? You need this type of confrontation in order to function. You are indeed weak minded

And why do you keep making assumptions about the poster. You were wrong on the poster being a professor what makes you think he is a young boy?
I will give you this you have experience but so do typewriters. Typewriters are now a thing of the past and you will be to. After reading the college kid’s post, I think people would rather take him in the driver’s seat over you.

I can tell you why he said "young boy"... because the new Acumed Leadership believes that girls are for being pretty and not for having opinions about management. Hence why most of the women in leadership positions have been kicked out or have left. The company is so behind the times

I can tell you why he said "young boy"... because the new Acumed Leadership believes that girls are for being pretty and not for having opinions about management. Hence why most of the women in leadership positions have been kicked out or have left. The company is so behind the times

You are so right! :)

This fool is living in a man’s world which is why he felt it necessary to post about his experience.
What his ignorance doesn’t show him is that people who have taken the time to earn an education are taught to prevent and fix other people’s mistakes. People who are intelligent learn from watching others screw up. That is the main difference in education vs experience.

In a few years when the college poster has graduated and is kicking ass in the real world (because he or she was prepared) this idiot will still be posting to this board trying to prove he is still worth a shit.
Watch, he will respond again, his pea brain will not allow him to evolve and move forward.

Quite the cowardly and little boyish way to exit the conversation with hopes of not being clowned. I am positive that your polished "rage quit" was honed from hours on XBOX.

Let's take a look at your uneducated and obvious lack of experience in the industry that many of us have made a home since long before your mother decided it was a good idea to not let pops pull out and spring you into the world and onto her tit.

These boards all have negative commentary, hence the fact that people post anonymously. Take a read, add it to your homework young boy.

I've worked for Stryker in the past and Arthrex as well. In direct field sales for both and reached management for Stryker. There are many problems within the branches of Stryker management. Plenty to rant about if I decided to take the time.

There isn't a perfect company and Acumed has it's issues. The difference and positive with Acumed versus Stryker, Zimmer, Smith and Nephew is that being smaller and more maneuverable, you can make changes faster while recovery is easier.

You have no background or experience in this industry. Do us all a favor and take this advice, spend your college time chasing tail and having a great experience. Because when you get into the real world, son, you will have to actually live and succeed where it isn't "everyone receives a trophy" type of treatment.
I guarantee that you will get your a$$ kicked in daily. Especially if you decide to work in our industry. You do not have the stones to stand in an OR when things go sideways.

I will let you have this sink in some. In the future try talking from a position of experience and not your professors presentations and regurgitated teachings in your required reading.

Mom should have slapped you upside the head more instead of sitting you on the steps for your time out. Boy.

So how far did you puff your chest out when you wrote this? Are you pissed because a young inexperienced kid knocked you off your horse? Hate to break it to you but this poster is on the better path than you are working at Acumed. You are stuck, you are getting older, and pretty much have nothing to offer.
You responded like a bitter old fart sitting in a wheel chair and starting your sentences with “Back in my day…”

I can tell you why he said "young boy"... because the new Acumed Leadership believes that girls are for being pretty and not for having opinions about management. Hence why most of the women in leadership positions have been kicked out or have left. The company is so behind the times

Oh boy here we go. Clash of the whiners! Anymore protected classes feel violated. Anybody missing their balls?

This thread is hilarious.

I can tell you why he said "young boy"... because the new Acumed Leadership believes that girls are for being pretty and not for having opinions about management. Hence why most of the women in leadership positions have been kicked out or have left. The company is so behind the times

The medical device industry as a whole does not have one good example of an effective female leader.
Your point is what?

Hey idiot, you did exactly what this posted wanted you to do.
You didn’t clown the poster, you just clowned yourself. The comments have nothing to do with experience in the industry, it has to do with being weak minded and not being able to demonstrate control.
Don’t you realize that by responding you helped the poster prove the point? You like the confrontation don’t you? You need this type of confrontation in order to function. You are indeed weak minded

And why do you keep making assumptions about the poster. You were wrong on the poster being a professor what makes you think he is a young boy?
I will give you this you have experience but so do typewriters. Typewriters are now a thing of the past and you will be to. After reading the college kid’s post, I think people would rather take him in the driver’s seat over you.

Acutually I don't think the experienced persons response was far off the mark. A little hasty and lacked a touch of humility but all else was spot on.

It seems that you happen to be a follower and not type A. You would follow the "young boy" over the experienced. No surprise.

You are so right! :)

This fool is living in a man’s world which is why he felt it necessary to post about his experience.
What his ignorance doesn’t show him is that people who have taken the time to earn an education are taught to prevent and fix other people’s mistakes. People who are intelligent learn from watching others screw up. That is the main difference in education vs experience.

In a few years when the college poster has graduated and is kicking ass in the real world (because he or she was prepared) this idiot will still be posting to this board trying to prove he is still worth a shit.
Watch, he will respond again, his pea brain will not allow him to evolve and move forward.

Yeah your example works so well in the real world. College education but lack of experience had led to many a soldiers death. Why do you think newly commissioned officers lean heavily on experienced non-commissioned officers?

Your point has many flaws. Like you.

Yeah your example works so well in the real world. College education but lack of experience had led to many a soldiers death. Why do you think newly commissioned officers lean heavily on experienced non-commissioned officers?

Your point has many flaws. Like you.

Who was leading all of you fallen soldiers? An experienced officer?
How many times do u burn your hand in the fire before u learn to pull it away?

Acutually I don't think the experienced persons response was far off the mark. A little hasty and lacked a touch of humility but all else was spot on.

It seems that you happen to be a follower and not type A. You would follow the "young boy" over the experienced. No surprise.

Sure I would follow a younger kid who has fresh ideas, new innovative ways of solving problems, and the ability to adapt to the changing industries.
Just like I would use a cell phone over an outdated, never changing rotary phone.
So you are right I guess I am a follower. At least I will follow someone is capable of leading me to success. I will follow someone I respect, and someone that can teach me how to improve myself. That is how experience is earned.

Just cause the poster is a type A doesn’t mean they should be followed. But good for you for being a Type A, hopefully you will have enough followers that can learn from you wonder life experience.

But from the looks of things, you experienced people are still at Acumed trying to figure out how to solve the problems. When you figure it out, I will just learn from your mistakes.

Acutually I don't think the experienced persons response was far off the mark. A little hasty and lacked a touch of humility but all else was spot on.

It seems that you happen to be a follower and not type A. You would follow the "young boy" over the experienced. No surprise.

Now Now, there is no reason for quick jabs

Just to play a little bit of devil’s advocate, and in a friendly way, several people followed the young Seattle Seahawks team over the experienced Denver Bronco’s Quarterback……
The new generations do have the benefit of learning the old and new ways of doing things.
Evolution friends!!!