What do you expect him to do for you? Do you think he hoped for this decision? He lost more money in an hour than anyone else. Get a corporate job and work your way up and one day you can be brass and make a ton of $, and everyone below you will talk about you the way you talk about them now. No matter what company you work for, upper management will make a lot of money and sales reps won't, until and IF you get to VP level, which on a team of 1000 other people, is unlikely. What would have been a satisfying response on the call? He didn't look to give a "we tried hard" speech because he isn't throwing the towel in. This decision and the precedent it sets isn't good for the industry as a whole. Companies will cease to invest in quality research if they know socialist judges will just nullify their hard work and give the fruits to undeserving scavengers. Nobody wanted this and the focus is on working to overturn. And we all still have jobs.