Company culture at BI

Pradaxa was launched by BI, not ventive. BI was speciality and 25% of primary care was ventive , 75% was BI. But who the eff cares since pradaxa is a spec drug anyway. My guess is you are a recent hire since you just speculate on the history here. Also, no one calls it PODS, further persuading me you are a "newbie" probably gruntled and wanting to come on here and "vent" because your wife is tired of listening to your constant rantings and bitching. I hope you move on so you can keep some sanity, it's really for the best of us.

Spoken like a true brainwashed BI DM. LOL. I swear. Tears of laughter. You are a piece of work man. How can someone be so dumb?

Spoken like a true brainwashed BI DM. LOL. I swear. Tears of laughter. You are a piece of work man. How can someone be so dumb?

Ha...agreed...was a dumb ass. Love how he/she throws around "newbie" when chances are he/she is much more if a "newbie" (what a stupid term) than the person who wrote the original post. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I have been at BI for 9 years and was here during that time period.

9 years in this industry...newbie @ totally brainwashed. Physicians don't respect BI AT ALL, in fact, after spending 15 years with a real Pharma co, I can honest say that when I say I'm with BI, a lot of physicians gave no idea what BI is or what they represent. So pathetic. I'd leave in a second, but good paycheck for now. Making double what my counterparts are. They are so stupid, have been with BI for years, minimal raises and no respect. Sad, sad, sad. I'll be out of this looooser environment soon.

I'm pretty new to bi and I'm will agree with you somewhat. The pay sucks not really looking forward to hearing what my raise will be. I'm gearing up to flip out. The resume will be updated and going out. For now its a paycheck nothing more than that. My pod partners are great but I do prefer to work on my own. I feel more worth I own the business and I produce. Here with this new set up I'm just a messenger to a script.

Company culture is decent. But watch out for other reps. They keep track of you, watch your every move then like a 3rd grader tells on you. You get fired & they gets promoted

Led by a bunch of testosterone fueled know it alls. The CEO responds to most everything in a knee-jerk fashion, the VPs and EDs spend their time in bravado fueled directives to those under them while acting like to submissive puppies to those above them, and from there the modeled behavior rolls right down hill. Some here on Cafe Pharma complain about this RD or that DM's poor behavior to subordinates, but the reality is that they are just modeling the behavior that they are subjected to by their superiors. It is a sad situation because individually, there are a lot of really fine people at BI who are often forced to treat one another poorly. I am looking forward to leaving.

Led by a bunch of testosterone fueled know it alls. The CEO responds to most everything in a knee-jerk fashion, the VPs and EDs spend their time in bravado fueled directives to those under them while acting like to submissive puppies to those above them, and from there the modeled behavior rolls right down hill. Some here on Cafe Pharma complain about this RD or that DM's poor behavior to subordinates, but the reality is that they are just modeling the behavior that they are subjected to by their superiors. It is a sad situation because individually, there are a lot of really fine people at BI who are often forced to treat one another poorly. I am looking forward to leaving.

Nailed it!

Burt and Alan in the mother country are assholes
Greg is the testosterone-filled asshole CEO of the US
Kaplan is his asshole minion
Most below are just empty suits, parroting the others, navigating the minefield of assholes.
Oh, and Larson is a huge ASSHOLE!!!

God forbid they empower the likes of Steve Smith, the only noble lord in the house of horrors...

GM is a good leader. More competitive than most. All she wants is for her team to succeed.

Problem is the gender bias that being female and ultra-competitive brings. Challenging to be a female and also driven as you get labeled in a negative way.

I've had the fortune to work for and with her. She's tough as nails and will certainly continue to move up in the company.

The culture is gone here! The new Max coaching plans prove it, they want and don't care about the turnover. When I was hired the turnover rate was like 3% nobody hardly left and others in the field wanted to work for BI. Now, it just same BS as all big Pharma, maybe worse. I hope to find something better soon and good luck to the rest of you smart enough to do the same.

The culture is gone here! The new Max coaching plans prove it, they want and don't care about the turnover. When I was hired the turnover rate was like 3% nobody hardly left and others in the field wanted to work for BI. Now, it just same BS as all big Pharma, maybe worse. I hope to find something better soon and good luck to the rest of you smart enough to do the same.

Amen - looking for another job as we speak, already have 3 interviews lined up.... I know a lot of other people as well, who would also leave BI in a heartbeat if they could...

Our regios is weignting over 60% to VP Standings? WTF? Who doesn't know it's all bullshit numbers somebody in Conn thinks has potential that makes or breaks your goals. How bullshit can you get.