Does this company want to NOT have a sales force!!!! They continue to make massive fuck ups. They do not care about us reps, you’d think they would be a little more conspicuous but this is a clear slap in the face. What’s sad is the ones that are here have stuck with this dumpster fire and tried to be loyal in hopes it would get better but sadly they aren’t rewarding us for that in fact they are doing the opposite. Let’s Cough up 32k for a car when we are making shit salaries and raise our goals to where we aren’t making bonuses to afford the damn car they are forcing us to buy! Give us a raise , more then 1-3% could show some appreciation , don’t screw us with goals, give us a retention bonus I mean Blaise and Patrick sure as hell had their pockets lined to stay! Love conference calls that tell us to stay and that endo will come out of this litigation fine and we will still have jobs when no one really knows the outcome, how are you going to ask us to buy a car and put more money out for you in this economy. Have some sense , your people are struggling with inflation period, the morale is as low as I’ve ever seen it. They don’t even care enough to bring us to a legitimate NSM location to promote satisfaction how many times are we going to go to nowheresville nasty henderson ! But hey all gas no brakes right I hope no one signs up for the test car program!!!