New orders are out. No extra cost and no Subaru necessary. BS
New orders are out. No extra cost and no Subaru necessary. BS
I will still be employed 6 months from now, will you? How many sales pitches have you executed today? Zero? Dropping off lunch for office staff doesn't count as a sales call. Be honest to yourself, do you think doctors want to hear your selling points? My doctor bans reps from his office and most of his patients are Abbvie employees!
You care, moron. That’s why you replied.No one cares what you think doucheface, you'll never be one of us. I make more money than you could ever dream of, will retire in less than 5 years with a 401 (K) and a pension and a house paid for. You'll still be paying mortgage on your raised ranch hoping to get a sniff of what we have. Probably still paying back your student loans to for that BA degree from some 2nd rate state school too. We're royalty to this company and drive business and share price. You sit at a desk and troll message boards all day. Pathetic.
So new car orders are out. No cost and no Subaru. Bullsheeeet