company car-my back hurts!

Yeah plus NVS charges you 129 for an 89 lease so in essence you are paying the monthly car & partial gas with your "free" car while the co. take the tax advantages .
What a racket.

Fleet here. This is my last post. The moronic comments on here are ridiculous. Yeah, we pay $89 for a brand new Ford Fusion. (Sarcasm) Complain all you want, this is a nice car and fits the industry standard. Is it the best car out there? Of course not, but the alternative would be $700 monthly allowance. You don't know how close we were to doing that until we were forced to let you pussies decide on car or allowance. Your peers who overwhelmingly voted for car over allowance were smart to do so...the rest of you jerkoffs who complain about a company car need a reality check.

BTW...we are already counting inventory as we are planning on taking take about 30% of the inventory back in March. We'll see how many of you complain about your co car after we take your job and car back. Overpaid pussies.