Company car choices

Get over yourself! A company car is a benefit that people do care about, period. We spend our entire day in and out of this car and many of us also need space for kids and carseats. It's a reasonable question, it's not like they were asking if they get a luxury car. By the way...the recruiter and my RD definitely emphasized the Volvo when I interviewed! No volvos these days!

I've got a NewsFlash hot shot! Pharma is a fast changing industry and unfortunately some idiots are too stupid to figure that out. Yes, volvo's are a nice perk.

But...things have "changed". I'd suggest you hope you have a job when we roll out our "change" (a.k.a. Restructuring) instead of worrying about a company car!
You seriously need to hope or get your priorities straight!

Get over yourself! A company car is a benefit that people do care about, period. We spend our entire day in and out of this car and many of us also need space for kids and carseats. It's a reasonable question, it's not like they were asking if they get a luxury car. By the way...the recruiter and my RD definitely emphasized the Volvo when I interviewed! No volvos these days!

Excuse me Mrs Carseat, but you should be working during office hours and that would be 8-5 so I'm not sure why you are picking up your child at 3 pm in the company car! I doubt that you decided to not eat lunch and take that lunch hour as the time to pick up
Your kid... Did you? I'm sure you have a big ass and haven't skip a meal ever! Maybe u should buy a van as your personal car or maybe you should find another job.... Teacher would be a great choice, this way you can have your van and work until 3 pm. I'm not sure where you are getting this mentality that Shire owes u a car that fits your personal needs. Last time I checked this wasn't Burger King, your day everday!

Get over yourself! A company car is a benefit that people do care about, period. We spend our entire day in and out of this car and many of us also need space for kids and carseats. It's a reasonable question, it's not like they were asking if they get a luxury car. By the way...the recruiter and my RD definitely emphasized the Volvo when I interviewed! No volvos these days!

Question, so you basically only took this job because you thought you would get a Volvo to drive? And now you are a disgruntle rep. Bitching about how sorry this company is, that in fact is paying you a check, because you were told that a Volvo would be a company choice? Did you bother to research this company before accepting this job or did you base your decision on the Volvo car choice?

Excuse me Mrs Carseat, but you should be working during office hours and that would be 8-5 so I'm not sure why you are picking up your child at 3 pm in the company car! I doubt that you decided to not eat lunch and take that lunch hour as the time to pick up
Your kid... Did you? I'm sure you have a big ass and haven't skip a meal ever! Maybe u should buy a van as your personal car or maybe you should find another job.... Teacher would be a great choice, this way you can have your van and work until 3 pm. I'm not sure where you are getting this mentality that Shire owes u a car that fits your personal needs. Last time I checked this wasn't Burger King, your day everday!

Who said I'm picking up kids at 3pm??? You are ridiculous! I'm not even wasting my time in this thread...back to work. Screw u moron

Question, so you basically only took this job because you thought you would get a Volvo to drive? And now you are a disgruntle rep. Bitching about how sorry this company is, that in fact is paying you a check, because you were told that a Volvo would be a company choice? Did you bother to research this company before accepting this job or did you base your decision on the Volvo car choice?

No I didn't even care about the car but it was a nice perk and I remember Harry Painter saying, we give you volvos because we want our reps in the safest car! Now it's like, we want our reps in the cheapest cars. Which probably costs more in the long run since these cars have so many maintenance issues.
I took the job because the company sounded awesome, good products, great bonus potential, amazing 401k match, etc... I am not even a disgruntled rep, I was just defending he person who started this thread, I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask what the car choice is. Shire does offer different cars to fit different needs and that's great. I wasn't bitching I was just simply saying that the RDs at that time did spend time selling you on the perks of the job like the company car and the 401k match. I'm actually a very happy person so don't act like I'm all talking crap because I'm not, I'm just stating how things have changed over the years. Simple facts.

I'm actually a very happy person so don't act like I'm all talking crap because I'm not, I'm just stating how things have changed over the years. Simple facts.

well then I guess this is the hope and change you asked for when you elected our president 4 years ago. Company car changes are not more than a reaction to what is happening in the industry thanks to our government

well then I guess this is the hope and change you asked for when you elected our president 4 years ago. Company car changes are not more than a reaction to what is happening in the industry thanks to our government

I guess you were there in the voting booth with that poster huh? Lol what stupidity!

well then I guess this is the hope and change you asked for when you elected our president 4 years ago. Company car changes are not more than a reaction to what is happening in the industry thanks to our government

To the happy chic with the van wants, look if your looking for handouts or for someone to feel sorry for you because you don't have enough room for your carseats, soccer balls or urlunch time sex in the back seats. Well call Obama I'm sure you fedinto his bs! But thanks because people like have f Ed up this economy with the attitude that everyone owes you something!!

To the happy chic with the van wants, look if your looking for handouts or for someone to feel sorry for you because you don't have enough room for your carseats, soccer balls or urlunch time sex in the back seats. Well call Obama I'm sure you fedinto his bs! But thanks because people like have f Ed up this economy with the attitude that everyone owes you something!!

Actually people like that are running the Vyvanse brand team now while Intuniv is kicking their ass quarter after quarter since launch. Are we serious as a company about patients and growing our flagship product? If so then focus on the real problems and leave one persons irrelevant car preference alone. If your going to bitch at least push for real change.

No I didn't even care about the car but it was a nice perk and I remember Harry Painter saying, we give you volvos because we want our reps in the safest car! Now it's like, we want our reps in the cheapest cars. Which probably costs more in the long run since these cars have so many maintenance issues.
I took the job because the company sounded awesome, good products, great bonus potential, amazing 401k match, etc... I am not even a disgruntled rep, I was just defending he person who started this thread, I don't think it's that unreasonable to ask what the car choice is. Shire does offer different cars to fit different needs and that's great. I wasn't bitching I was just simply saying that the RDs at that time did spend time selling you on the perks of the job like the company car and the 401k match. I'm actually a very happy person so don't act like I'm all talking crap because I'm not, I'm just stating how things have changed over the years. Simple facts.

Harry lied to you about your car. . . now you're pissed! Just deal with it. You didn't get your van, and now you can't fit all your kids crap in the car Shire gave you when you pick them up from daycare at 2:00.