Combivent is it going?

The part time comments are fine for the people who have 30-56 docs. Some of us have 80-110 and are held to the same standards on the reach and frequency for our bonus. This makes absolutely no sense. How can reps who make at the most 80-90 calls a month = reps who are expected to see and get signatures from 130-140 docs.

Don't you get paid $20/signature? The more signatures, the more money. Try to look at the bright side.

Who are you and why do you care? I said I am glad I have no partners because I would probably put a gun to my head if I had to work with you. You are one negative A-Hole that spends a lot of time alone and doesn't know why. Thanks for your words of encouragement. You probably do great details with your doctors as well. What a tool.
Why does this post bother you, these are simply the facts. This is a heads up, get used to it nothing is written in stone like your old high paying gig. It also has nothing to do with the quality of my details does it?

I worked in pharma for 5 years, before quitting to stay home with my kids. Considering applying for a flex time position. Could you work 2 full days in this position and hit your reach/frequency goals? Any moms on here that could tell me how it's working for you?

No you can't. Not even close. If you don't get the doc to sign you get ZERO. One day it was 2pm before I could get a doc to sign. You have to take over 90 courses on PDI el stink-o univ. just to go out and sale. If you could work 4 half days you might have a chance.

Previous MOM post, this is not a good contract sales company if you want to work 2-3 days per week. We are supposed to only work 29 hours/week. Maybe so, but with the administration they expect I work almost 40 hrs. Almost not worth working. Plus must drive 40 personal miles a day before they pay .48 per mile. 20k per year if you do well.

I am a mom and I do work 3 days a week. This job works well for me. I have worked at other pharma companies, but I was not allowed to choose the days I work. At this position I am allowed to do so. I think it is a good job for some territories and perhaps not good for other territories. I also have a great boss which helps.

I have also learned that they have a policy for refuse to sign. I was not paid correctly for my calls because my manager had not approved my refuse to signs at the point where it would show up on my most recent pay check

I have also learned that they have a policy for refuse to sign. I was not paid correctly for my calls because my manager had not approved my refuse to signs at the point where it would show up on my most recent pay check

At this point there are many offices that have samples and literally 50 vouchers! I cant ask a doctor to sign for nothing just because I need the 20 bucks, in fact I wont. I dont put in many detail calls without a signature but I do when its a legitimate call. If they cant trust you then its time to bolt. I had one doc ask me what am I signing for I said vouchers he stopped and came back from his office and plopped down at least 30 of them and said you mean these?? I felt like a jackass.....