Colorado mgr.

Wow you are so smart. We all have asked him for our reports but he is a lazy mofo. So shut up Einstein!

I would be glad to never receive a field report. There is safety in being able to prove you have never been coached or received any feedback. This way the manager cannot come after you without a big problem, no attempts to develop you, no communication about anything that he found wrong or needed improving. Hard to fire someone that never received any feedback at all. No paper trail at all. I wish to be so lucky.

I know a couple of the reps from the region he came from and they said his ego was off the charts. Built himself up while belittling his reps. Good luck Colorado.

Spend 5 min talking to the guy and you'll see right through him. He's all about self-promotion and marginalizing everyone around him. I worked for him in Colorado for a few months and couldn't stand it anymore and left for another job. I'm not saying it's the best job ever but working for anyone else would be better than working for him!

Spend 5 min talking to the guy and you'll see right through him. He's all about self-promotion and marginalizing everyone around him. I worked for him in Colorado for a few months and couldn't stand it anymore and left for another job. I'm not saying it's the best job ever but working for anyone else would be better than working for him!

Well you sound like a whiny malcontent and of course you will fail at your new job too and down deep you know that. You think everyone else is the problem for your sad life. Look in the mirror, you'll find the reason for all your failures staring back at you Porky.

This manager and division is a joke. The way that they treat reps is going to drive any good reps away and potentially multiple law suits waiting to happen.

Your an idiot just for typing this nonsense. We are primary care level reps who carry products with outstanding coverage. Drive good reps away? If a rep leaves this cake walk they are an idiot