College Football: Will the SEC "6 Peat"

here it comes. 9 am est. No more Ped st. all walkons, no recruits will go there. winless.
girls on the field basically.
what does this mean for the mighty bucks? NC game every yr starting 2013. every year. done .. now this will fire up CBus. run that table or even go 11-1 and we are in. every year. this is not boise. this is the institution. they are in. psu was a little hurdle every year. no more.

here it comes. 9 am est. No more Ped st. all walkons, no recruits will go there. winless.
girls on the field basically.
what does this mean for the mighty bucks? NC game every yr starting 2013. every year. done .. now this will fire up CBus. run that table or even go 11-1 and we are in. every year. this is not boise. this is the institution. they are in. psu was a little hurdle every year. no more.

Poor Linus. oHio went 11-1 and was in the NC games with the BCS. Just ask Mr Sweater Vest about the outcomes. The problem was that they kept getting skull dragged by the SEC. ohio problem was never the little sisters of the poor (little 10) conference. It was and still is the SEC. Check their 0-11 record vs the SEC. All national titles go through the SEC. Dumb Dumb Linus

7 Peat

Poor Linus. oHio went 11-1 and was in the NC games with the BCS. Just ask Mr Sweater Vest about the outcomes. The problem was that they kept getting skull dragged by the SEC. ohio problem was never the little sisters of the poor (little 10) conference. It was and still is the SEC. Check their 0-11 record vs the SEC. All national titles go through the SEC. Dumb Dumb Linus

7 Peat

must have missed the arkansas game huh zippy. forgot it was on tv and did not read your paper.
everyone said osu was going to get smashed my miami in 02, but you know the outcome. every NC starting ikn 2013 will go thru OSU. Never count out Urban 3:16! Which sec team is your "new flavor" now zip! it was KY in March! LOL! can't pick one huh? me thinks USC takes it all this year!

highly likely an (a single) sec team will be in the nc game for many years to come. not ALL. may be USC vs Ohio State. oh. say 2015. (braxie's sr. yr. & more speed recruited)
TX? Oregon? of course the team who APPEARS in the nc the the most, will win the most NC's (odds are.) eg-if LSU is in the NC game 8 times in the nxt 12 yrs they will win a bunch of NC's. VERY HARD for one SEC team to make it that many times. that is why Zippy won't name a team. (he SLIPPED in march and said he loved KY) that is the ONLY mention of a SINGLE SEC team on a post of his. see, he wants to hedge and use an entire conference. (currently the best fb conference.) the thing he DOES KNOW, (if he knows anything about college football which i really doubt he does by reading some of his garble---seriously ---- i think he looked over his dad's shoulder and is a very lonely kid posting in his room and trying to learn about football, or heard his dad say he hates ohio s.) he is just a dumb kid so give him a break. what ALL experts realize is ONE THING for sure. THE oHIO STATE UNIVERSITY now has the greatest chance starting in 2013 to appear in the NC game every year, and therefore the greatest chance of the MOST NC's! it is called math. if they lose to LSU in 2013, beat USC in 2014, lose to Alabama in 2015 and beat TX in 2015. do the math. WHO HAS the most NC's and is the "national number one power?" uhhh. let's have a female fan anwer this one bill. that would be tick tick tick tick OHIO STATE?? yes!!!!! you win the grand prize zippette! the non-conf challenges look pretty "smooth" starting 2013. Cal, Va Tech home and away etc. lookin really nice. denard will be gone from meatchicken. they will never have another qb that fast. there never HAS been one in history anywhere. he is a unique freak of nature. no more denards. braxton is close and we have 3 more braxton's sitting on the bench and many many more coming in down the road. 3:16 is working on the 2014 class! osu can even lose a non-conf or a single conf game eg to Wisky (and that CAN happen at wisky any given year) they can still and most likely would get into the NC game. problem is that Urban is taking commits right away from wisky. he just took taylor decker out from under them after he had committed to them . went right in and swiped him away. Bielma had a nervous breakdown calling meyer a cheater then had to APOLOGIZE! lol!!!!! uRBAN ALSO went up to Notre dame and took TWO! EASY way to recruit. save your own travel budget and just see who commits to the top schools THEN go take em away! would you rather play in wisconsin for the walking heart attack bielma or play for urban meyer?? uhhhh. bad question. the answer is obvious. i say with the sec having such power among their top 5 ,,, most will have 1 or even 2 conference losses each year! then what? usc only has to beat Oregon and OSU handles Mich and they are in! i sure would not feel as good about osu's chances getting in if they were in the sec. playing ala, lsu, auburn and tn all in the same year!! uncool!! ruins your chances. i like just where we are. mich will be tough in 2014. good class. after that, done. all urban 3:16. you can look at a photo of hoke and urban side by side and tell who is a better coach! LOL LOL!

CBus is giddy after the news today. Braxton is still only 18 yrs old! ck out his footwork! 4.4
brought in a kid for 2013 who is only a buck 65!!! he will grow this yr in high school and more at osu... i say 180. percy harvin type. in space player. more and more and more coming in. 4.4 and under. leading receiver this yr will be our TE, Jake, who is the fastest TE in the nation. a 5 star wideout in hs like Shockey was. wideout who now is 250. 4.5. can u imagine this city year after yr going to the nc in fb, then the elite 8 and final 4's in hoops? one school!! unreal! almost unfair.

omg. another positive for OH IO!! peddie st is close in proximity to cbus. players wanted to play in the midwest. urban can handpick their 2013 recruits now! he may take 3 or 4. no others are worthy.. the top few will transfer commits to osu! they aren't doing to head to lexington so quit dreaming zippanksy.

another one for tOSU! with the now vacated titles (co-championships) by Ped st, that now makes osu the only team in history with 5 consecutive conf championships! 05-09! pretty sure no other team in ANY conf in history has won 5 in a row!

must have missed the arkansas game huh zippy. forgot it was on tv and did not read your paper.
everyone said osu was going to get smashed my miami in 02, but you know the outcome. every NC starting ikn 2013 will go thru OSU. Never count out Urban 3:16! Which sec team is your "new flavor" now zip! it was KY in March! LOL! can't pick one huh? me thinks USC takes it all this year!

Hey Linus the a$$ clown, I`ve got a dose of reality for ya. The SEC in the the midst of a 6 peat and the amazing thing is 4 different SEC schools have won a title in this span.

Translation, 1/3 of the SEC teams have won an national title in the current 6 peat. This is depth Linus something that the lil 1o never had or never will have. Lil 1o has 1 title in last 14 years. Pathetic

C ya Linus the A$$ Clown

7 Peat

EVEN with their lower GPA than any Big 10 team ala & lil Nicky better NOW really lay 80 on Mich! Lost their top receiver & returner last week, and now their top rusher! it better be 80+ points and a shutout. Please ala due what you need to to smash Mich by 80. we in Cbus want them sobbing in ann arbor. Please Nick do it right. crush Mich 9-1-12

I am waiting to see zippys KY team play ala and lsu too! those will be FUN saturdays! wild kittys. meow.

sorry for ya zippo. KY has never won a NC in football. You are in for another long season. Jared Lorenzen? Taco Bell or McDonalds for jared L? not working, eating. 344 lbs.

Hey Linus the a$$ clown, I`ve got a dose of reality for ya. The SEC in the the midst of a 6 peat and the amazing thing is 4 different SEC schools have won a title in this span.

Translation, 1/3 of the SEC teams have won an national title in the current 6 peat. This is depth Linus something that the lil 1o never had or never will have. Lil 1o has 1 title in last 14 years. Pathetic

C ya Linus the A$$ Clown

7 Peat

You must be really ASHAMED of where you went to school. (or once again, i kid using your dads laptop) Nobody roots for or against a conference. You are a real rockhead a$$clown. we root for anyone playing mich. who cares? you have no team to root for. how sad. i would hate saturdays in the fall with NO team.

You must be really ASHAMED of where you went to school. (or once again, i kid using your dads laptop) Nobody roots for or against a conference. You are a real rockhead a$$clown. we root for anyone playing mich. who cares? you have no team to root for. how sad. i would hate saturdays in the fall with NO team.

Poor Linus the Ass Clown. The SEC is his daddy. Go ahead and say it....... 7 Peat

The best national titles in the SEC are when they throw oHio a bone and match them up vs the SEC. America loves to watch ohio get skull dragged by the SEC in national title games.

zippy really messed up when he slipped up on a post and admitted he went to akron but knows they will never and have never won a NC in anything. then in march another "slip" claiming he loved KY as his favorite sec team. (AFTER they won in hoops) Now. uh oh Zip.
guess what? KY had NEVER EVER been a consensus NC in football and never will be. a sad fall season again for you. one nice yr to "fine tune" the new offense and urban 3:16 will win 15 NC's in a row. 15 yrs. in a row!

Noooooooooooooo. KY will not win it, they NEVER have won a NC in fb and never will-feelin sorry for Zip this fall and winter. He was on cloud 9 about KY last march.

6-7, 4 game losing streak, 3-5 in the little ten


That's right. ohio has a streak going where it has lost twice as many games as it has won.

How embarrassing! ohio is an insignificant joke. The best part is the perpetual beating they get from the SEC when the SEC pounds the little pee wee leaguers in the post season. It's not just ohio that is the main embarrassment of the little ten, psu now shares the stage with them.


Noooooooooooooo. KY will not win it, they NEVER have won a NC in fb and never will-feelin sorry for Zip this fall and winter. He was on cloud 9 about KY last march.

5 different SEC teams have won a national title in the BCS era and only 1 little 10 team. Nuff said. More than half the teams in the little 10 could be joked about.

My favorite part of this article is the last four words. (as if we didn't already know Delaney is an idiot who is Mike Slive's pet monkey)

When it was announced earlier this month that ESPN would fork over $80 million dollars per year for the rights to broadcast the Rose Bowl, the common view was that the new SEC/Big 12 “Champions” Bowl would eventually sign a similar deal.

And that common view was apparently correct.

According to The Sports Business Journal — hefty subscription required — ESPN has agreed to pay “roughly the same rights fee” to the “Champions” Bowl as it will the Rose Bowl. For now, the SEC and Big 12 own their game. Take $80 million and split it down the middle each year and you have the 10 Big 12 schools set to make $4 million a piece while the SEC’s 14 schools would bring in about $2.85 million annually.

Now, there are other costs to be considered, of course, and depending on how the game partners with another bowl or bowls — the Cotton and Chick-fil-A have been mentioned most often — the full $80 million might not wind up in SEC and Big 12 coffers each and every season. But you can bet a huge chunk of it will.

Interestingly, it’s taken The Grandaddy of Them All since 1902 to reach the $80 million mark while the Baby New Year created by the two best leagues in the BCS era has reached that level two years before it actually even comes into existence.

Somewhere Jim Delany scowls.