
Bye bye KAMS. Game over. Over half will be gone before 3831 launch. What's left will be doing criminal justice and calling on large treatment facilities. Another JR experiment that failed. U had to see it coming.

Lots of groups sitting home collecting bonuses and contributing nothing. No opportunity is the right fit for my MSL and then I get hassled to find them something to do but I cant even be in the room to see them do it. My Policy Director outta Texas hasn't traveled in two years and when she makes a call does it with her peanut gallery in the background. Covids been hard on Sales cause sales gotta sell. But everyone else gets a pass for the year and a bonus.

Have it on good authority that the KAM position will be eliminated by mid April or sooner. Corporates realizes that they bring ZERO value to the sales #s. I’m sure they’ll find a place for Colletti but the rest are out the door. ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!

Yup! GR is taking over all the cj accounts and will basically become a government accounts team pressuring jails and prisons to use vivitrol since new fed legislation lets them bill medicaid for last 30 days in the pen. Then the KAMs are free to be released. Bye bye KAMs.

Lots of groups sitting home collecting bonuses and contributing nothing. No opportunity is the right fit for my MSL and then I get hassled to find them something to do but I cant even be in the room to see them do it. My Policy Director outta Texas hasn't traveled in two years and when she makes a call does it with her peanut gallery in the background. Covids been hard on Sales cause sales gotta sell. But everyone else gets a pass for the year and a bonus.

Bro this is spot on. It must be in the non revenue creating roles handbook to send an email and copy everyone in the company on it anytime they actually work. Or post it on Alks to go.

“Saw a real live person today! Let me put 10 bullet points summarizing...well, doing my actually job but acting like I cured cancer...I’m copying my boss, your boss, my boss s boss, your boss s boss and anyone else who’s ass I’m trying to kiss. This tiny bit of work I did today should send every TBM that this affects to PC! And I’ll print this email out and use it to get a full quarterly bonus while a shit ton of tbms went without one 3rd and 4th qtr!”

Bro this is spot on. It must be in the non revenue creating roles handbook to send an email and copy everyone in the company on it anytime they actually work. Or post it on Alks to go.

“Saw a real live person today! Let me put 10 bullet points summarizing...well, doing my actually job but acting like I cured cancer...I’m copying my boss, your boss, my boss s boss, your boss s boss and anyone else who’s ass I’m trying to kiss. This tiny bit of work I did today should send every TBM that this affects to PC! And I’ll print this email out and use it to get a full quarterly bonus while a shit ton of tbms went without one 3rd and 4th qtr!”

sounds like the quota setting methodology is working! Hero to zero is our motto!

Lots of groups sitting home collecting bonuses and contributing nothing. No opportunity is the right fit for my MSL and then I get hassled to find them something to do but I cant even be in the room to see them do it. My Policy Director outta Texas hasn't traveled in two years and when she makes a call does it with her peanut gallery in the background. Covids been hard on Sales cause sales gotta sell. But everyone else gets a pass for the year and a bonus.

What does policy do? NE director dominates every call we invite her to so we don't invite her anymore. All talk, all bonus, no action?

Yup! GR is taking over all the cj accounts and will basically become a government accounts team pressuring jails and prisons to use vivitrol since new fed legislation lets them bill medicaid for last 30 days in the pen. Then the KAMs are free to be released. Bye bye KAMs.
Yes. Yes. I too have heard it is already a done deal. Not all being cut. Heard they will keep 5 or 6. Bet the find a place for both coletti and AH though. I guess they will let those cut jump into any open TBM positions but they'll go down to TBM grade level.

The bottom line is TN is afraid of GA for some reason.He’s like a little puppy dog that follows him around and I can’t figure out why, LOL. In any event, the kams are safe as long as GA tells TN not to mess with them.

Yes. Yes. I too have heard it is already a done deal. Not all being cut. Heard they will keep 5 or 6. Bet the find a place for both coletti and AH though. I guess they will let those cut jump into any open TBM positions but they'll go down to TBM grade level.

Cant wait to see AH carry a bag again- class a douchebag.

Only problem is all the business reviews are pure fiction. Everyone knows it too. Just wait. Someone will eventually dig a little deeper and the KAMs will be realized for the frauds they are.
OMG. Soooooooo true. KAMs laughing stock of the company. Hard to stomach the fake "accomplishment" they claim. Sad thing is upper management is blind to the BS. That does not give me much faith in our executive leadership.

OMG. Soooooooo true. KAMs laughing stock of the company. Hard to stomach the fake "accomplishment" they claim. Sad thing is upper management is blind to the BS. That does not give me much faith in our executive leadership.
Oh, I suppose the recent HIRC Award was self-nominated and voted on my the team, right? If you knew anything about this organization, you would know that the recognition as the #1 IDN Account Management Team doesn't come easily. Grow up, do your job, and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.