Coaching -based performance


What the heck did the managers come out with from California with this coaching based performance? What is it? What’s it mean?
My ABL was quick to send message out about how excited he was about it.
Great. What micromanaging are we adding to the list?


What the heck did the managers come out with from California with this coaching based performance? What is it? What’s it mean?
My ABL was quick to send message out about how excited he was about it.
Great. What micromanaging are we adding to the list?

Oh there was some skin slapping going down in Cali trust me.

Ok if you want to play the careerism game. But, that isn’t leadership. The reality is that most people who obsess over leadership are really very boring, with little vision and creativity. That’s why they are trying to stroke their egos with leadership development or whatever. The real doers, the people who start companies and generate ideas and innovate are not into this crap. They are busy doing and creating and serving. Not polishing their PowerPoint presentation style like the majority of Novartis management.

Ok if you want to play the careerism game. But, that isn’t leadership. The reality is that most people who obsess over leadership are really very boring, with little vision and creativity. That’s why they are trying to stroke their egos with leadership development or whatever. The real doers, the people who start companies and generate ideas and innovate are not into this crap. They are busy doing and creating and serving. Not polishing their PowerPoint presentation style like the majority of Novartis management.

It isn't even about "leadership development". It's worse than that.
It's about building Marriott points, getting away from your family, and bossing people around.
Sprinkle in a touch of hubris, because you have to be arrogant to believe that you know more about account-based selling and working with the practices than the reps who visit the clinics/hospitals every week.
It is a mutual admiration society; what else would explain spending a week amongst your peers for no apparent purpose other than to learn how to boss the reps around even more?
Sure, your check is bigger (although not if you look at it from an hourly perspective), and you might get a few free personal flights out of it, but is it really worth it?

It isn't even about "leadership development". It's worse than that.
It's about building Marriott points, getting away from your family, and bossing people around.
Sprinkle in a touch of hubris, because you have to be arrogant to believe that you know more about account-based selling and working with the practices than the reps who visit the clinics/hospitals every week.
It is a mutual admiration society; what else would explain spending a week amongst your peers for no apparent purpose other than to learn how to boss the reps around even more?
Sure, your check is bigger (although not if you look at it from an hourly perspective), and you might get a few free personal flights out of it, but is it really worth it?
We have the same manager!

For those of us who haven’t heard anything about the meeting or anything from our managers - can you please share what exactly the meeting was about and what is coming to the field?

The same thing happened when they had their managers meeting last year this same time. All were gone for a week- nothing discussed when they returned. Then huge restructure happens the following trimester. Along with massive program rolled out to “up skill” the sales team. Just a bunch of job justification in my opinion- have to create crap for managers to do to justify having so many of them.

I always thought every manager should have their own territory so they can have skin in the selling game. Also 12 reports with a once a year ride alongs unless they have new employees. I found new employees are better trained by other reps rather than managers. With all the electronic tracking of sales efforts, human management has less value all the time.

I always thought every manager should have their own territory so they can have skin in the selling game. Also 12 reports with a once a year ride alongs unless they have new employees. I found new employees are better trained by other reps rather than managers. With all the electronic tracking of sales efforts, human management has less value all the time.
Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.

Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.

Listen to your ignorant, self-important hot air for two days?
Too late, we already have to do that.

Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.
I bet you’re my manager, who dominates every conversation with talk about himself. I could outsell him any day of the week, except of course the days he’s with me because I can’t get a word in edgewise. He can’t sell shit, I lead the area consistently, and I have to smile through his absurd “coaching.” Ruins one week of every month, like the Aunt Flo of the cheap ass What harms world.

Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.

How on brand for a Nov manager to talk about handling objections on stupid cp. get a grip. You must be the manager who asks drs the jargon filled long winded convoluted questions that nobody can follow.

Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.

you sir, are made for Novartis. You sound like a new manager who talks a lot without saying anything. Your team hates you. Before you come back at me - they hate you. You are too delusional and egotistical see past fake smiles and head nods. I bet the rd loves you tho- again perfect for Nov. Every rd loves a spineless hard ass who will parrot their narrative.

Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.

approve expense reports, handle the other Hr stuff, filter out the crap, and 1 day field ride a month

Oh stop reppie boy. You need coaching more than you even realize. I find most reps have no clue how to handle physician objections. They lose the call and quickly give in for the sample signature. I would structure a specific corrective action plan for these situations.
If you find your reps struggle with objections it is definitely your fault at hiring the wrong people and providing poor quality training. I spent 20 years in management and found that corrective action plans are only effective if provided long before they see the customer. Why wasn’t every possible objection covered a dozen times before they ever hit the field? Your approach is the tired old product of groupthink. I know a majority of the field thinks practice details are a waste at meetings, but I always found watching and listening to “what good sounds like” provided more value that “here’s what you did wrong” after ride visits.

Any type of coaching is subjective by the DM. Let's face it nothing will change, again. DM will Ding you on each and every call because they have been given the coaching reins. Bottom line, if they, any of them were reps again they could do anything much better. So...their hubris will take over as usual since they have the title and no good will come of this like everything else. Remember Positive Tension a few years back?? You can't teach and practice Motivational Interviewing in 1 week. Therapist use it w/ patients but the problem when it was spun into sales was that MI is driven by the patient wanting to improve once it was spun Pharma DMs turned it into just say X and MD will have to agree and move them along the dosen't work that way and never did. The Subjective nature of the DM wanting to write something down developmental will as always be the demise of all this coaching.

Any type of coaching is subjective by the DM. Let's face it nothing will change, again. DM will Ding you on each and every call because they have been given the coaching reins. Bottom line, if they, any of them were reps again they could do anything much better. So...their hubris will take over as usual since they have the title and no good will come of this like everything else. Remember Positive Tension a few years back?? You can't teach and practice Motivational Interviewing in 1 week. Therapist use it w/ patients but the problem when it was spun into sales was that MI is driven by the patient wanting to improve once it was spun Pharma DMs turned it into just say X and MD will have to agree and move them along the dosen't work that way and never did. The Subjective nature of the DM wanting to write something down developmental will as always be the demise of all this coaching.
Yes DM coaching is the highlight of my pathetic life-then we get fresh pasta togther