CMX is a train wreck

you wont believe this chris boerner is stepping down

no he isnt im just proving the point that anyone can post literally anything they want on this stupid ridiculous toxic useless website cuz its anonymous

dont believe anything you read here its all garbage you realize i could post "they are killing oncology to focus on immunology" and a bunch of people would get all worked up but its just not true people just post crap here its all lies do your job- if you dont like it leave and work somewhere else
tell me im wrong

what a screwy little BMS fan boy/girl!!! You should be the one to leave here if everything is so peachy for you! Or we will chase you out of town with your tail between your legs.

ok whoever posted this last message is right. what the fuck is the point of this. bms sucks. leave if you want. stay if you want. posting here is pointless. i got laid off. i already have an offer and i got my severance all good. people chill. stay or leave and post all you want on here but it doesnt fix your situation if you want to leave leave. if you want to stay stay.