CMG calls have shit the bed

I was told I'm being displaced and a internal recruiter just called asking me to interview because they can't find anyone. I told him I wanted the package so, no. I would love to see an offer but afraid it will jeopardize my severance. This place is falling apart.

BA and AH have said that they see reps as having minimal impact in the field

KR and the Ecosystem Sr Leadership all see reps as interchangeable with no real discernible skills....

There have been multiple cases lately where someone who did not apply for an ecosystem job has been approached and told to apply and gotten the job without even really interviewing or being qualified compared to people who should have been obvious choices and who really wanted those positions and were passionate about the opportunities...

This whole this is incredibly shady and the nepotism is out of control

BA was saying that back in 2010 and his lips moved a little when AH spoke back then. They’ve clearly worked on their act. They are ready for Vegas now, almost as good as Jeff Dunham.

Michelle the Braveheart for president!!!!!!!!! She called bullshit!!!!!
Yes Michelle, the courage you had was tremendous. I would want you on my team! Thank you my heart was broken when you spoke, as you were the voice of the field.
Genentech hired you because of your talent, they say they want to keep you because of your talent. Hold them to that!

Too Funny. Why cant they just say what this really is? It's a corporate downsizing due to $10 Billion at risk from BioSims entry and this ECO System stuff, via ZS Solutions, is just a magic show to hide the truth from the investment community. If Roche wanted to stay in the US Pharma market, all they would have to do is bundle & contract Avastin/Rituxan/Herceptin 6 months ago to blunt BioSims and thus protect future revenues. Management stated, "they cant do that". Geeeze, really? Amgen does and guess what, they will become the USA largest $$$ pharma company in 3 years & GNE will be in the dust with their small disease state/small revenue pipeline products.

This "restructure" is simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic!

The problem with your statement is this is not a "downsizing". A downsizing is strategic, well planned, informed, and usually necessary due to market dynamics. This, my friend, is a Shit Show! One like the Pharma-Biotech Industry has never seen.
But hey, you can get a hug? They offer a hug to pacify our irrelevant feelings and insecurity caused by them. Fools who haven't contributed anything measurable to the organization in years.

There are some very fundamental shifts in this place. Whether they want to admit it or not, this place has turned from a people-centric organization into a profit-obsessed government pandering brothel. We lost interest in our own people and completely disregard corporate well being. They no longer believe the function of the traditional sales calls. While this idea is a moot point, their total dismissal is very transparent in the way they handle this whole firing and hiring process. In my humble opinion, the key to success generally lies somewhere in between these 2 extreme approaches. When the arrogant SSF management slaughters its own people in such a callous and disingenuous fashion, it WILL come back to haunt them. Corporate karma is a bitch! Goodwill goes a long way. They want to save time and money at the expense of its own people and morale. They simply forget one important thing. It takes committed and loyal people to implement and execute your new ideas, or in this case, this perfunctory and dopey ecosystem. This whole thing is so half-ass, uncoordinated and particularly poorly managed by the lowest talent in the pool. Think about it, both FedEX and USPS have the same fundamental mission. Look at their people and the profitability of these two. Which one would you rather deal with if you have a choice. You get the idea....

Who’s gonna need a hug when no one applies for the IC roles now that they’ve told us exactly how replaceable we are? Did they think about how they’re going to train all of these external hires while they try to organize their ecosystems? There will be no one in the field to help support and train them.

Customer engagement what a joke. If customers only knew how they’re treating employees.

Can’t wait to work for a competitor. THEY see our value.

There are some very fundamental shifts in this place. Whether they want to admit it or not, this place has turned from a people-centric organization into a profit-obsessed government pandering brothel. We lost interest in our own people and completely disregard corporate well being. They no longer believe the function of the traditional sales calls. While this idea is a moot point, their total dismissal is very transparent in the way they handle this whole firing and hiring process. In my humble opinion, the key to success generally lies somewhere in between these 2 extreme approaches. When the arrogant SSF management slaughters its own people in such a callous and disingenuous fashion, it WILL come back to haunt them. Corporate karma is a bitch! Goodwill goes a long way. They want to save time and money at the expense of its own people and morale. They simply forget one important thing. It takes committed and loyal people to implement and execute your new ideas, or in this case, this perfunctory and dopey ecosystem. This whole thing is so half-ass, uncoordinated and particularly poorly managed by the lowest talent in the pool. Think about it, both FedEX and USPS have the same fundamental mission. Look at their people and the profitability of these two. Which one would you rather deal with if you have a choice. You get the idea....
“Was people-centric”. What a joke! More like who was kissing up, who was spending time out of the field on special projects, who wants a rotation in SFF, etc etc. You thought these were resume builders that would protect you. You were played my friend!!!!!

New flash!! This is the same way we treated our customers for 20 years.. do you really think they would treat us differently..ha for those who are surprised shame on you..

New flash!! This is the same way we treated our customers for 20 years.. do you really think they would treat us differently..ha for those who are surprised shame on you..

No one is surprised. They used to pretend and lie. Now they don't even give a sh_t. I think most people just get annoyed by that little arrogant DA. He literally gives everyone a freaking migraine when he talks. That whiny passive aggressive voice just broke me and I was in the Marine for 7 years. You can almost picture that little pr_ck babbling in his 3rd rated high school debate team.

No one is surprised. They used to pretend and lie. Now they don't even give a sh_t. I think most people just get annoyed by that little arrogant DA. He literally gives everyone a freaking migraine when he talks. That whiny passive aggressive voice just broke me and I was in the Marine for 7 years. You can almost picture that little pr_ck babbling in his 3rd rated high school debate team.

This company has to be so brain drained to have these monkeys running the joint. The good thing is that it will soon be over.

Relatively new to Genentech and compared to other the downsizing/restructuring/scaling whatever of other companies, this is definitely a mindscrew. It’s clear to see that behind-the-scenes social engineering is how one gets ahead here, but with the current environment, it’s unclear how anyone will get ahead when there’s no faith in the leadership.

The last call was an abomination. Replying to the field with “some people may not want these jobs” is a terrible way to say “we’re seeking outside candidates.” What they should have said is, “show up at the interviews prepared to demonstrate how jazzed you’re about new ways of working.”

Oh, and agreed on DA’s voice

Relatively new to Genentech and compared to other the downsizing/restructuring/scaling whatever of other companies, this is definitely a mindscrew. It’s clear to see that behind-the-scenes social engineering is how one gets ahead here, but with the current environment, it’s unclear how anyone will get ahead when there’s no faith in the leadership.

The last call was an abomination. Replying to the field with “some people may not want these jobs” is a terrible way to say “we’re seeking outside candidates.” What they should have said is, “show up at the interviews prepared to demonstrate how jazzed you’re about new ways of working.”

Oh, and agreed on DA’s voice

Being on the west coast, we hear enough crap about these guys from our DM. But listening to how they answered the questions live on the national call was totally epic. You just can't make this sh_t up. I told my friends about what they actually said and they thought I was lying. These ass clowns are so clueless that it is not even funny.

Dude , I don't even know what you meant by getting ahead in this sh_t hole. We need to get out the first chance we get. This sorry place is going to implode with these idiots on top. This house is going to be filled with rejects since no decent people would want to stay or come in. They will get what they wish for. I like to work hard and stay close to my customers. That's the fun part of the job. The new ways of working will make all the social rejects to stay home and write their success stories since they do away with IC. Good luck everyone.

Having left several years ago after reading the tea leaves about the path the company was moving, all I can say to those still drinking the Jim Jones punch which Billy A and Sevie send across the pond several times a year and which Mr Hardy Boy mixes and serves to the troops, STOP. If you want to live with ulcers, anxiety and migraines, then ignore this and carry on.
Now’s the time to reinvent yourself, get your head out of your Arse and control what you can, your career.
Working for Genentech is no longer the pinnacle of anyone’s career, just look at the number of SLT members who left over the past 4 years. Even Dickheads like them saw the writing on the wall.

So much pain and anger as we recognize that Genentech is dead. And the completely tone-deaf message from AH was hilarious! The Genentech Employee Promise! Are these people kidding? What's the promise, that those who have been here performing well are no longer of any value? And the email today from NO was even funnier! What a total tap dance about interviewing external candidates. I have been here for many years, way before Roche. We were at one time a company run by scientists and we put more R & D into research then any other Biopharma company. But Roche is a virus and the company was infected and died. If you can take the package then take it. I have nothing against the former Roche CSs as they are not to blame and are being dragged into this quagmire. It's the leadership that is to blame.