Cluster 1 Pain Reps were always superior.


Nice post Gina H. I would challenge your arrogant ass to sell against 7 generics. You are foolish. Top talent my ass. The fact that you happen to be in the line further away from the bomb doesn't indicate your skills. Next time, you wont have anyone to absorb your mediocrity. If you look a few years down the line, you had better hope uncle charlie buys a new company. No new PC products. Pad the 401K and pension for a few more years. This announcement was nothing more than luck of the draw. There are plenty of very poor performing side 1 reps. breathing a sigh of relief. Get off your high horse. No class.

Dearest Gina,

The only possible way to absorb your comment is that either you are new to the industry or you are truly delusional. Regardless, i will be sure to watch for your postings on Cafe Pharma this same time next year after you lose Celebrex ( the Lipitor for Cluster 1). I cant wait to see your posts then! You might want to rethink if its truly your exceptional selling skills that have kept you safe for now or is it just the products you have in your bag? Either way, im sure Pfizer wont think twice about letting YOU go after you have lost your usefulness to them. Tread lightly my Cluster 1 friend.....your time is coming too, best of luck to you in 2013, with an attitude and ego like yours, your going to need it!

Due to the limited patent life of Celebrex, it makes sense to keep Cluster 1 intact for now. That cluster needs to stay focused for the next year. I find it interesting that Lyrica was added to the proposed Cluster 4 bag. I predict that Cluster 1 will be eliminated in its entirety once Celebrex's patent expires, and Lyrica will transfer to Cluster 4. Why else would they introduce Lyrica to the Cluster 4 bag?

Relax, this is obvious sarcasm. Someone is making fun of a DBM or other mgr who spouts ridiculous shit like what was posted.

Cluster 1 survives intact because they bring in the biggest share of PC revenue.

Relax, this is obvious sarcasm. Someone is making fun of a DBM or other mgr who spouts ridiculous shit like what was posted.

Cluster 1 survives intact because they bring in the biggest share of PC revenue.

Only partially true. It survives intact ONLY for a year because of Celebrex.
After they squeeze out every possible penny for the brand, C1 is obsolete.
The question is; will everyone in 1 get the axe or will cluster 1 & 4 compete?

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